Population Graph


Photo on 10-16-14 at 4.22 PMThis is my graph. I chose this shape because I thought that the population slowly got bigger until it got to the point we are at now. I was right, but my data was wrong. At 8,000 B.C.E, I’m at 5,000,000,000, not 5,ooo,ooo. When my graph was a t around year 2000, I put some population drops because of war. But now that we got the information of the population at year 8,000 B.C.E, I realized that the population pretty much goes strait up from then on. My population drops in my mind are not drastic enough, so I need to make a lot of changes.


HW Planner/Cover Thoughts

For the most part, the planners had a lot in common, but a lot different from one an other. Somethings that I didn’t like were for some of the covers, they were 100% of of the internet. While others, were also off the internet, but the students still did something.

But I liked some of them too. Dora’s group had a really good idea, to have everyone pick a picture, and put it on the cover.


Personal Narrative Wyatt: Diving Deep

Diving Deep


Everyone likes… needs to relax. Even athletes and dare devils.


I love the rush of adrenaline, and I love to do crazy things. From

crazy amusement park rides to breaking pencils over my head. Life is fun and I want to enjoy it.


I will never forget the first conversation my dad and I had about scuba diving. He told me how much he enjoyed it, and how he wanted me to do it. When I was 8, we went to angula, and it was great. But my dad said in a few years, we might be able to go to St. Barth.


Scuba is an acronym. S= self, C= contained, U= underwater, B= breathing and A= apparatus.


My dad loves diving so much, he really tried more than he needed to convince me to dive with him. He really wanted to get me involved. If he just asked if I wanted to dive, I would have said yes, but when I answered, he kept lecturing me. It was funny.


But anyway, when you are diving, you can’t talk, or move fast, and it feels like you are in space. You communicate with the beautiful language of scuba. Parts of the underwater communication are like this: you swirl  your finger to show that you are communicating how much air you have, so after you do that, you make a T with your hands if your tank reads more than 100 pisces (this is metric measurement to_____), and then you show with your fingers the rest of the 10’s, one finger equals ten pisces. If you have under 50 pisces, the danger zone, you just uses your fingers. Another part of the language is when you do a flip entry into the water, you cross your arms above your head, and if you surface apart from your group, you do that but you open your arms and then close them again. And then you repeat that many times so who ever is looking for you can see you.


I remember my second dive… we found this cave, where you can take out your regulator and talk. It was amazing. The walls were a nice dark and wet gray, and the air was misty. I could breath in the sweet ocean breeze, and could feel the spray of the waves coming through a crack in the cave. It was so beautiful, it almost felt like I was in heaven. But before we entered the cave, there were the fish from Nemo. Those blue ones that move in unison. They were spectacular. I could push my hand out in front of me, and they would all move. They had the soft glow of the sun coming from behind them, which made me that much more in love with the scene. But anyway, where I pushed at the water, they moved back a lot, and the farther away the fish were from my hand, the less they moved back. When we took out our regulators out, I thought my dad was a french person (because we are in a french province) and when my instructor started talking in french, it confirmed my suspicion. But I forgot that there was another person, so I was confused when he said “How’s it going Wyatt.”


And when I got certified a few months later, I freaked out. My instructor, Tureen, said that I got the insurance, but in my mind I was like “What about the certification?” But then he said, you got plongeur d’or, which means gold diver. I was the happiest person in the world. I was dancing, and I almost fell out of the boat!


I cannot wait to dive again!

My Mandarin Project!

Photo on 11-3-14 at 5.18 PMThis is my project. I am explaining how the character huǒ evolves. Huǒ means fire. My presentation show it’s earliest form, early writing, it’s next form, seal form, and how it looks today. My picture of the character shows the character inside of my big modern form of the character. Here is a picture of my project. Enjoy!