Quarter 1 Math Seminar

Math Seminar has been really fun this year. We have worked on Caesar ciphers, substitution ciphers, and really confusing but fun word problems. Caesar cipher is basicly the alphabet, but shifted. A substitution cipher is all of the letters shifted individually. The word problems have been about money in piggy banks and the most recent problem has been about abundant, perfect and deficient numbers.

Daily Pop Quizzes

8We have daily pop quizzes. This is one of them. With the pop quizzes we are getting reviewed on work that we have previously done. The pop quizzes have multiplication, subtraction, addition and division with whole numbers and fractions. There are four questions on each quiz. I am not doing to well on subtraction, but I a practicing at home.9

Beowulf Annotations

In Beowulf we annotated for the first time. We wrote chapter summaries, defined vocabulary and underlined important parts of the book. Annotating is important and helpful because when you have to look back on the book, everything that you need to find is highlighted. You can also read a sentence and know what a whole chapter was about with chapter summaries. My chapter summaries were very helpful when we wrote our Point of View piece because I could easily find what I was looking for, and I am proud of that. I would like to improve on seeing what needs to be underlined, and what doesn’t.