Third Summer Post: Nantucket

DSC04082 DSC04169 DSC04091 DSC04106I am only writing about the first five days.

Nantucket is a small island of the coast of Massachusetts. By plane it is 35 minutes away. It is kind of a smaller, less crowded Cape Cod.

During my eight night stay on Nantucket, I had a lot of fun. When I arrived, I quickly unpacked and jumped in the pool. My sister, Uncle and dad were all in too. My Uncle had arrived at 6:00 am, and he was talking about the people he met and how excited he was to stay with us. The time past quickly, because it was already dinner time. My dad made burgers. We watched a movie, and the kids went to bed. My sister is talking about how excited she is to see Zoe and her family tomorrow. They are our close family friends. I walked upstairs to my room. I was excited for my really good camp friend Jonah to come over. He was going o stay for two nights.

As the next day passed very quickly, my mom went to pick up the Lester’s (the family friends.) when they got to our house, they unpacked. Zoe came down and I played a few games of fuze ball with her, and then we anxiously waited for dinner. My dad, Uncle Eric and the dad Chris made an amazing steak. By the end of dinner, it was all gone. My dad said that Jonah was coming at 10 am, so he could come on our five hour deep see fishing trip that I didn’t want to go on. Since Jonah was coming, it would be fun. Tonight, we made s’mores and went for a night swim. The pool had really cool LED lights built in, so the pool was a strong purple. We were all full with steak and s’mores, so we all headed to bed.

I woke up at 9:15, 45 minutes until Jonah came. I was really tired,but after a hearty breakfast of bacon and eggs, Jonah had arrived and I was ready to go. We talked about how we missed camp and the people there. After a bit of talking, I gave Jonah a quick tour of the house, and Jonah’s favorite place was the fuze ball table. We played a few games, and then my dad told us that we were going to the fishing trip. When we arrived, we got lunch and went to a store. Then we waited for half and hour and we finally got on the boat. It took a very slow one hour and 15 minutes to get to the right place, in witch we explored the boat, played cards and rested. When the boat finally slowed down, we got instructions and started fishing.The first two spots we didn’t catch anything, but then the captain led us to glory. you could see 30-40 inch Striped Bass in the swell. It was amazing. I only tried once, and I caught something. But I got sea sick, so I just laid down. Every time we put the line in, something caught in less than 90 seconds. That’s shorter then the time it takes to reel the fish in. We ended up catching so many fish w had to throw them back. We had so much that for Jonah and my family, witch is 18 people combined (Jonah had a lot of cousins over,) that was less than half of the fish. People walking bye stopped in awe. It was crazy. We went back to my house, cooler full of fish, and got ready for a dinner pasta, Striper and Flounder. After we had more s’mores and another night swim. Full yet again, we went upstairs, and texted and FaceTimed them. It was so fun. We went to bed, and woke up at 9:45. Well rested we went down stairs, breakfast awaiting us.

It was the same as yesterday, bacon and eggs. It was just as good. Zoe is 14, so she did do a lot of stuff with us that Bailey (my sister) would not do. We went to the beach, and the waves were pretty nice. We body surfed for an hour and had a great time. The water was cold but refreshing. Back at the house, we had quick lunch, and a swim. After that Jonah and I played Magic: the Gathering, spike ball, KanJam, and fuze ball until dinner. After dinner we ate ice cream and watched Jaws. I think that it is over hyped, the only really scary part is when the shark studier free dives down to a boat and sees a dead body. Zoe was the only person that didn’t scream at that part. Just like yesterday, we talked to our friends, and fell a sleep.

When we woke up, I said I smelled bacon and Jonah said that he smelled pancakes. We were both right. We devoured it, and Went for a swim. Then we got out and went upstairs and played Magic again. We came down when my Dad called for lunch. It was sandwiches. We ate, and then went down to the beach. My mom had been talking to his mom and they both agreed that Jonah should stay one more night. We were super excited when we heard the news.Tonight we ate ribs and watched a bad movie, then went to bed. Tomorrow, we were going to Great Point, and the tip on the island.

We woke up, ate, and got lunch at a sandwich place. We drove to Great Point. We had to take out some of the tire pressure because we were driving on the sand. It took a long time. When we finally got to the long part on the beach, the kids got a turn to handle the steering wheel. When we got out of the car, we ate lunch and went swimming. We were only mildly terrified because of watching jaws. We drove to the pumps, where we put air back into the tires. We went home, played, swam and ate dinner. I went up to my room with Jonah where we talked to our friends, and did dubsmashes with each other. We had a pretty good sleep, and a good breakfast. It was Jonah’s last day.

We went to the beach and swam in the pool. Then we said goodbye, and that he would try to go to the New York camp reunion, even though he is from Boston.

Summer Reading

images-2 images-1 imgresimgres-2 images imgres-3 imgres-1First book: Gone, By Michael Grant

Second Book: Hunger, By Michael Grant

Third Book: Lies, By Michael Grant

Fourth Book: Plague, By Michael Grant

Fifth Book: Fear, By Michael Grant

Sixth Book: Light, By Michael Grant

Seventh Book: City of Ember (re-read)


Second Summer Post: St. Barth

St. Barth is an island in the caribbean, and one of my favorite places in the world. My favorite part of going there is that you can scuba dive. I have done all 20 of my dives there, and it where I got certified.

Night Dive:

This is going to be my first night dive, I thought to my self. I was sitting there with two friends that I met on the island. They were supposed to go also. “Are you excited for the dive?'” I asked them.

Johnny waited a beat. “We aren’t going. Tureen [the dive instructor] said that since we are not certified, it wouldn’t be safe.”

“That sucks.”

I was wondering why it wouldn’t be safe, so I kept the question in my head to ask Tureen later. My dad and I were going to leave soon.

“Wyatt, let’s go.” My dad was also really excited.

As we walked to the diving center, my dad and I were talking about what we would see. I said Nurse Sharks, and he said Sting Rays. We were both right.DSCN0315 DSCN0314 DSCN0350 DSCN0352

We got our wetsuits, and brought out tanks onto the boat. Before we started moving, Tureen gave an overview of the dive. He opened by saying that he only allows certified divers could be on night dives. Because it is so dark, you can’t have people who cannot clean their mask, find their regulator if it falls out and you cannot have people who cannot control their buoyancy.

Since I was the only kid there, I earned some spectacle looks. People probably didn’t think that I am certified. After Tureen’s overview, his two assistants handed out flashlights to everybody. We all opened our tanks and got ready to go down. I sat on the side of the boat and did my fallback entry. I was the third person in the water. My BC vest was inflated, so I was floating on the surface waiting for the other divers to enter the warm caribbean water.

Everybody was in. We all gave to ‘ok’ sign and went under, deflating our vests. We were under for 58 minutes, and saw a lot. We saw a see turtle that was easily 4’6″, possible even five feet.DSCN0358

It was sleeping.

I loved the night dive, because the ecosystem is almost different, like the animals are on shifts. There were squid and an octopus (which I didn’t take a picture of) and different kinds of lobster. DSCN0348 DSCN0364

All of the Sea Urchins came out, more visible than in the day. DSCN0357


This fish has a bubble of mucus around it, but it is hard to see.

The fish have to go somewhere, right? So when they sleep, some fish make a bubble of mucus around them to mask their sent from predators.

There are also Lion Fish, an invasive species to the area, and a lot of other places in the world. One dive a few months ago, Tureen brought me on a shark dive. Whenever he saw a Lion Fish, he would take his spear gun, shoot them and then feed them to the sharks.DSCN0355

First Summer Post: South Hampton

Surf Camp: First Waves:

I arrived at the Hampton’s the second week of summer. I had a looming thought in the back of my head: surf camp. My cousin Zach (who is the sam age as me) and I were signed up for surf camp. We really did not want to go. We were coming up with devious plans on how to not go. We told our parents and grandmother who signed us up. But they kept giving us the same answer. “Just go the first day.” Now, we really didn’t want to go. We said that it would be horribly cold, and it would be unenjoyable. But we went anyway. The first day was the day after a big storm, so the the swell was huge. So for most of the day we bodysurfed (which was awesome) and learned about ocean safety, like how to get out of a rip current. For the last 30 minutes of camp, we surfed in the white water. It wasn’t real surfing, but was all we could do. I was doing the best, even better than the kids that had been at the camp for a while. I got all of the instructors attention, which turned into a surprising problem (ish.) One of the instructors there had a well known surf shop, and was known for being crazy. So, on day to of camp, the swell was down a bit and we went out for real. When I was paddling out, following the Sunshine (the instructor) I noticed that we were going out a LOT farther out then the other kids.I asked him why we were out so far. “I saw you yesterday. You can handle this.” My reply was “That was just white water.” Sunshine didn’t respond. People in the camp were about to surf. A wave came. Good for every other kid, but not me. He didn’t send me. The next wave, everybody went again. “To small.” Sunshine said. I see a giant wave in the distance. “That’s the one! That’s yours, Wyatt!” I heard the other instructors and campers cheering me on. It was coming. The wave was massive. Sunshine yelled “Go! Go!” This is my moment, I thought. I paddled. Fast. I heard Sunshine’s screaming, drowned out by the wave. “Pop up! Pop up!” I did just that. The was the first wave I ever had a chance to surf. It was the wave of my life. At first, I had trouble balencing, but we were so far away from shore it didn’t matter. I caught myself, and started surfing. The peak of the wave was getting steeper, the was getting faster. It was amazing. Everybody was cheering me on, and I was super excited. When a wave breaks, there is something called the drop. You are in the air for a few seconds, and then you land hard back on the water. I landed the drop on the giant wave, and I was super happy. Sunshine gave me many more giant waves before camp was over. Another instructor named Luke told me that I just had the ride of my life. I said “The 10 waves that I caught were all the waves of my life.” That cracked everybody up. For some reason, I do this thing called a scorpion when I wipeout. It’s when my feet touch my head, and it looks like I’m a scorpion. People call me Scorpion at camp.

A crazy wipe out.  For some reason, I do this thing called a scorpion when I wipeout. It's when my feet touch my head, and it looks like I'm a scorpion. People call me Scorpion at camp.

A crazy wipe out.

Surfing a big wave down the line.

Me surfing a medium sized wave down the line.

On day three my fin broke of my board. It washed up on the beach a few hours later. We got it fixed the next day.

On day three my fin broke off my board. It washed up on the beach a few hours later. We got it fixed the next day.

Drumming on the beach:

Drumming on the beach is a local event that many people attend. It’s on the beach, and starts at seven pm. A group of drummers from the area (with some little kids with there own plastic drums) play. Everybody has Food set up, and there is a really nice atmosphere.

Three of my cousins, plus my sister buried me in the sand.

Three of my cousins, plus my sister buried me in the sand.


My uncle has a Ducati motorcycle, and I got to pose on it for pictures.

Me on my uncle's Ducati 999.

Me on my uncle’s Ducati 999.

4th of July:

I got to sleep in. Finally. After a long week of surfing sleep was exactly what my tan, sunburnt and aching body needed. When I woke up at 9:30 after being awakened by two screaming eight year olds (my sister and my cousin) I immediately put on my blue flag shirt. We were about to leave for the parade. Almost everbody in town attends, and it is super fun. Everybody sets up there chairs, to watch the parade go down the closed off street. But before the parade started, the was a Porsche parked in the street, and it got towed. Everybody clapped when it got towed away, because it was delaying the parade. The guy in the truck honked his horn twice, and that earned a nice laugh. A bunch of floats go by, cars go by with veterans and groups like the local little league walked in the parade, too.