Winter Break Dance Class

During the first week of winter break I’m really excited to take a dance class at Peridance with my friend from Ailey (My regular dance school). Ailey is on break for the first week of our break, but our teacher recommends us to take class somewhere else outside of our dance school. Most of the time open classes are for adults, but a lot of the time people around 13 or 14 years old can come in. I’ve taken a class alone with all adults at a place called Steps, but I’m excited because this time I’ll be able to be with a friend. This will help me learn to try something that I may not feel so confident about because it’s only adults and to try something new. I’ll also be able to practice so I don’t get weaker during the break, and if I end up enjoying it I can go again!

Art Illustrator Project

In Art Class we have been working on Illustrator. We are taking an image and using the program to trace the shapes and make the same exact figure of our own. For example: I have a photo of a yeti, so then I will trace out the yeti and all the details in the yeti and make a copy of my own. There are tools where we can trace out shapes, and they look the same as from the original photo. This program is really fun and I am excited to work on more projects on this program.

Digital Art Photoshop Poster

For the past few weeks in art class we have been working on photo shopping an image of our choice. I haven’t used photo shop that much before we started this class, so I decided to try out different features and try to make it look interesting. For the background I thought the image was fun and I could come up with a fun idea of how to photoshop and add more to the image, so I took some random foods and tried to make it look like it was part of the art. The principals of design I have are pattern, contrast, harmony, proportion/scale, and rhythm/movement. I have pattern because I have multiple foods with shadows in the image. I have contrast because I have the light colors, but also the shadows. I have harmony because I have multiple shades of color that make the image look like it’s a whole, and the shadows make it look like the foods aren’t just floating in the air because there are shadows. I have proportion because all the foods and background aren’t the same size and it makes it look more realistic. And I have rhythm movement because there are people in the background taking photos. 

French City Advertisement

In french class we made an advertisement on a city we chose. During this project I’ve learned new vocabulary and was able to review new vocabulary. I learned more about how to say “If you like.” Because in my advertisement I would say that a lot. I enjoyed this project because I was able to tell others about a place that I really enjoy to go to!

(Video coming soon)

Book Talk

Name: Olivia     2016


What are the components of a thorough, concise BOOK TALK?

Directions: When creating a book talk, use this helpful template to organize your ideas. Simply fill in what you’d like to say in the space below for each section.



Imagine a life where you are expected to be just like your famous parent. You feel the pressure to be like them even if you’re not, to walk in the footsteps of your family’s fame. At the same time, you have to make sure darkness doesn’t come in your way. This is what Albus Potter experiences in Harry Potter and the Cursed Child by J.K Rowling.

Plot Summary:

Albus Potter is the son of the most famous wizard in the wizarding world, Harry Potter and the son of Ginny Weasley, who is Harry Potter’s best friend’s sister. Albus also has a sister named Lily, and a brother named James. Albus has a cousin named Rose Granger-Weasley. She is the daughter of Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, who were and are still Harry’s best friends from when he was in Hogwarts. Albus is entering his Fourth year at Hogwarts with Rose and Lily is entering her first year . Albus has the pressure of being exactly like his dad by being sorted into the same dorm as him, getting to be on the quidditch team, and making good friends. But Albus is the complete opposite of Harry Potter He is stubborn, a rule-breaker, and argumentative. He even gets sorted into Slytherin, which is the darkest dorm of all four. Albus has made a best friend named Scorpius who is also in Slytherin. Scorpius is the son of Draco Malfoy, one of Harry Potters worst enemies.


Reading Strategy (with textual evidence)


Rose: Have you heard the rumors? Big Ministry raid a few days ago. Your dad apparently was incredibly brave.


Albus: How do you know these things and I don’t?


Rose: Apparently he- the wizard they raided-Theodore Nott, I think- had all sorts of artifacts that broke all sorts of laws including-and this has got them all gooey- an illigeal Time Turner. And quite a superior one at that.


Albus: A Time-Turner? Dad found a Time-Turner?


Rose: Shh! Yess. I know. Great, right?


On the Hogwarts express Albus hears about a time turner, which makes you travel back in time. By hearing about the time turner Albus and Scorpius decide to go back in time and try to save Cedric Diggory, from the fourth book of the Harry Potter series. A quick over view of what happened to Cedric Diggory: Cedric and Harry were competing in the Triwizard Tornament, and Harry Potter and Cedric were competing with each other. One of the last obstacles was the maze, Harry and Cedric were both about to win by getting the Goblet, which meant you won. But of course, Harry nor Cedric decided to go before each other so they both ran to the Goblet at the same time so they could both win. But the Goblet was jinxed, and it brought Cedric and Harry to a graveyard, and Lord Voldomort was there. Voldomort ended up killing Cedric, and Harry ended up winning the tornament.


Now Albus is trying to find a way to travel back in time, and make it so that Cedric doesn’t get killed. But Albus and scorpius realize that even by changing one thing in the past can change everything. The first time they traveled back in time Albus did something to Hermione, and when they traveled back into their time, Rose wasn’t alive. And Hermione and Ron weren’t married. Albus and Scorpius travel back in time again, and when they came back to their time Albus was placed in Gryffindor. After traveling back in time to try to fix these mistakes, they create an even bigger problem and change even more things.


Soon a girl named Delphi who pertended to be Cedric Diggory’s cousin tried to steal the time turner. Delphi says that her dad was lord voldomort, and by using the time turner she will try to see her father again, some people believe that he died the night he tried to kill Harry Potter, but some believe he is still alive. But bigger problems happen and she is going to try to convince her dad not to kill Harry Potter on the night he was planning too, because Voldomort got killed the night he tried to kill Harry Potter. If Delphi succeeds in telling voldomort not to kill Harry Potter, everything that ever happened about Harry Potter and his fame will not have existed and will ruin everything.




I recommend this book for people who are into books with time travel, adventure, and magic. This book is different from all her other books because the main setting isn’t hogwarts. In all the other Harry Potter books the conflict or main problem is happining inside the shools of Hogwarts. In this book J.K Rowling is bringing the magic outside Hogwarts. By reading the fourth book you will be able to understand the book better because when Albus travels back in time all the scenes are from the fourth book. This book is pretty easy to read because the whole book is a script. I do recommend that you read the fourth book of the Harry Potter series before reading this book because it refers a lot to the fourth book. Without the fourth book this story would be completely different because the whole story is based on a character and scene from the fourth book. This book always makes you want to keep on reading because there will always be a problem or mystery to find out.  Will saving Cedric even be an idea still? Or will going back and fixing their mistakes be their new problem to fix? Will Delphi succeed in telling her “father” not to kill Harry Potter? If you want to find out read Harry Potter and the Cursed Child.


Ir verb sentences

In french class we learned verbs with the ending ir and made sentences using those verbs.


dimanche, le 15 janvier

Je finis un project pour la cours de francais.

Tu choisis une robe pour la fete.

Il grandit beacoup.

Nous maigrissons pour la danse.

Vous groisissez parce que vous mangez beacoup.

Ils obeissent ma mere.

Je reagis au film.

Tu reflechis sur tes notes.

Elle reussit dans l’ecole.

Nous rougissons parce que nous sommes embarassee.

Vous vieillissez, vous etes 66 ans.

Elles blanchissent les dents.