Imagine the Future

Screen Shot 2014-10-26 at 2.52.05 PM“When you were in lower school, what was something that you were excited about for fifth grade? How do you feel about it now that you’ve done it?  I was super excited for world language. I just really wanted to take french. Since I am doing it now I am happy and excited to learn more.

What was something about fifth grade that you were a little nervous or worried about? How do you feel about it now?  I was nervous math was going to be hard. Now I feel less nervous and I feel like math is my level of math.

What is something about which you are still a little nervous or worried? What might you do to feel a little less nervous or worried? I was a little nervous about the older kids  making me feel a little uncomfortable around them. I still feel a little uncomfortable with them but I think something that would help is to get used to it.

What is something that you haven’t done yet in middle school about which you are excited? What are you excited about it?” I am excited to go to France in 8th grade. I am excited because I get to go with my friends and speak french because last time I went I couldn’t speak french. I went with my mom and dad but my mom went for work so me and my dad explored around.

My First Composition

This is my first composition! At first I was just playing around with notes and then in turned into a singable melody. Then when we added a second and a third instrument and it sounded good to me. It was a little challenging to make all the notes sound good together with the three instruments. It was fun to keep on listening to it because I was really happy with it. I hope you enjoy my composition!

Population of the World Graph

In math class we all had to make graphs based on the population of the world. My graph looks like this because first the population goes up. Then it drops down because of wars IMG_8097and people from sicknesses. Then it goes up because people are sort of getting better ways to help fix the problems that were not fixed before. Again the population drops a little bit, not as much as before. It drops because some thinks crash and fall on people like buildings or people get into accidents. Soon it keeps on going up because people can think well and can solve almost all of the problems that were problems before. Some problems I had was I did not know what numbers I should have put on the bottom.  I was surprised that there weren’t as many people as I thought there would be in the world. At first I had my graph looking differently but after Anna said something I changed it. I am still a bit confused so my graph might not look 100% accurate.

History of the World Blog Post

Screen Shot 2014-10-13 at 10.55.03 AMOn Friday in social studies Heather and Wendy passed out cards that said things like the Big Bang and the Anomoly. Then we got into groups and we had to sort the cards from way before from almost now in chronological order. A hard thing about doing it was sometimes our group would think or say “Hold on, first we have to put when the earth was created and then when the moon was created.” or they would say “Oh yeah first we have to put the cambrian explosion and then when dinosaurs were extinct.” A good thing about our group was we would agree on mostly everything. I learned that putting the cards in chronological order was fun and it was cool how I could memorize almost everything that was written on the cards from the history of the world in 2 hours.

My Atom Creation

Screen Shot 2014-10-09 at 8.50.30 AMIn Science class we went on tinkercad and Dan told us to create what we thought an atom looked like so we did do that. I thought an atom would have four sides and each side would kind of look like a Galaxy. Something I enjoyed about making it was you kind of got to play with tinkercad and see what shapes there were. One challenging thing about it was when you looked at the atoms in different directions they looked different so I would keep on having to change how the atom was.

Mix and Match Graphing Activity

Screen Shot 2014-10-07 at 7.00.52 PMIn math class today we made graphs to match with one of the problems we could choose and then we would give it to Anna.  Anna would give the problem to somebody else in the class and they would have to guess which problem the graph went with. I think the third problem(c) is the hardest because you first run until you get to 10 meters then you start slowing down for the next 10 meters. before I thought problem A or B would be the hardest because you have to stop and then run again, but when we were looking at other peoples graphs I noticed it was easier. It may not have been easier but I think it might be even though I did not try it yet. I wonder how it would be if you actually did all of these kinds of runs in real life?