Category Archives: Art

Final Photo Shop

This is my final photo shop project. The goal of this was to take a picture that you have taken and add more to make it more interesting. My original image included the beach, the kid lying in the middle, and the dog. I added Marlo looking and pointing at a shark jumping out of water under skydivers. I also added mine and graces face to a cloud. We had to use 5 elements of design: line, shape, form, color, and value. We had to use these as well.

Art value chart

The technique I just finished is called stippling, which is a bunch of dots. You start with a lot and then fade to just a few. The technique I am about to start is random marks. It can be anything, hearts, shapes, letters, words. It starts with a lot and ends with just a few of those random marks you picked. I decided to do circles. It looks cool, it looks like it is a wave of circles being pushed until there is only two or three left.


<iframe height=’400′ width=’400′ src=’’></iframe>

Nyc Projects

We were asked to make a model or drawing of something that represents NY, the main challenge was making it personal. Also it had to be map art, which is art where in some shape or form a map is used in the art. I decided to make to projects, that somehow will connect. So I started with my idea of making a hat covered in maps. I decided later in the process to change my idea, but I still wanted to make it meaningful, and I wasn’t going to give up. I decided to make a 3D model of my block. Since my parents are divorced there is obviously personal feelings I can add to my block. I was going to make it like emotional 3D models. I was going to make my favorite stores, and the streets! I was so excited, I wanted to do more. So I got my block, something personal. I also wanted something broader, more New Yorky to go with the personal piece. I decided to make a NY monument. I decided on the Empire State Building. No I didn’t just pick a random monument! When I was younger I dreamed of going to the top of the Empire State Building with my dad. One year we finally went to the top and it was amazing. So ever my broader thing has personal feelings!


Recently in art class we have been working on geometric patterns. So we have a sheet of paper that has shapes on it.  Jeremiah told us to go find shapes with in the shapes. i found a cool circle shape within triangles. Its really fun. I really like working “in the Medieval era” It is cool because I get to connect to subjects together, and learn about the same thing in a different way.

Screenshot 2015-12-07 at 9.45.15 AM

This is my wire sculptures. We were asked to go out to houston, take a video of us, pick 5 pictures from the video, and turn it into wire. I decided to do a jump so I could capture me up in the air. I have not finished mine yet, but I can tell it is going to look super cool. It was challenging because you had to rap wire around the body so it was thick. There had to be many layers. Its going to look so cool in the end!