Going To Peu

For spring break I went to Peru with my language. It was so interesting when we were there to learn about a new culture and be interactive in a place that we aren’t used to. We walked around Lima and Cusco, hiked Matchu Picchu in Cusco, did community service, and visited a local school. Overall the trip was really cool and interesting and something new! I had so much fun and learned a lot about Peru.

Womens March

I went to the women’s march with grace. it felt really empowering marching and fighting for women’s rights. The fact that so many people were there, men and women, made it so much more exciting. This inspired me to take more action and march more, not just once a year with the women’s march.

MLK Weekend

Over the weekend i went skiing upstate with my dad and grandma. The skiing was so fun. One of the nights at dinner we had a discussion about MLK and how much he has done for us. i felt inspired for the hard work he did for what he believed in. This taught me that you can really do anything if you put your heart to it. MLK is really someone I look up to for his initiative and perseverance.

SJ Reading Book

Over break I read Little Peach by Peggy Kern. This was about sex trafficking which is my social justice topic. I really really enjoyed reading this and although it was a tough read it was interesting every page. At the end of the book I just wanted to keep reading and reading. I loved the style of writing she used. She decided to every chapter switch between current day and when she was actually being trafficked. Overall I really liked the book.

Vocal Majors Reflection

Our best song was seasons of love. I think we did really well and harmonized so well. I was most proud of seasons of love because of the harmony and just in general it sounded great and loud and powerful. My greatest challenge was harmonizing till the walls come down. It was hard because there were not many altos so it was difficult to harmonize over all the sopranos. Also the Greek for the Katlanta was difficult for me. i am happy with how it ended up but I was happy with it in the end. Overall I think we did pretty well on most of our songs.

Basketball Team

I joined the basketball team this year! It is something that I really enjoy doing. It allows me to do something fun, while working hard. I am not always the best at it, but I try my best to make myself better. it is something I want to get better at. I love playing its so fun. Sometimes I get nervous before games but within two minutes I am already having fun! Im looking forward to our first game on thursday and excited for the season!

Social Justice

I really enjoy the social justice project. My group is sex trafficking and we have gone on one fieldwork. We had an interview with Noelle Fries who works at Safe Horizon. We enjoyed talking to her and learning more and more about our topic. Overall I like this project because it is independent, it gives me a chance to be creative, and it let me connects to a personal level. This is by far one of my favorite humanities projects. l

First Social Justice Fieldwork

My group and I went on an interview with Noelle Fries who works at Safe Horizon last Friday. We learned a lot more about the basics of Sex trafficking considering we hadn’t really known much about it before. We talked more about labor trafficking too, more than we thought we would because Noelle focused on all types of trafficking. This fieldwork was important because she helped us understand and really get a good start on our project. I wan’t to learn more about races and how different raced are treated differently and how the color of your skin effects how men treat you. We had one question for her about this and got an interesting answer so now I am more interested. I want to talk about empowerment groups during our teach ins because this is something Noelle did a lot of and talked about them and I got really interested in that.