Inkheart by Cornelia Funke

by Zachary Cappadocia


The book that I read over the weeks was Inkheart by Cornelia Funke. The main characters in the book are Maggie and her dad. Maggy is a full fledged book reader and she is always very curious about things she is not supposed to know. For example, in the beginning of the book she tries to hear what her dad was saying to the mysterious new person even though she could tell her dad wanted her as far away from their conversation as possible. Maggie’s dad Mo is a book reader also but he is kind of awkward when ever he is lying and he really tries to keep the truth away from maggie. In the beginning of the book the setting is there their aunt’s house which is pretty big and pretty fancy and not for kids to live in because she thinks  if kids live in her house it will get dirty and her precious books will be destroyed. In the whole book Magie and Mo are moving around but that is the first place that we know they traveled. This book could happen right now in the present because the houses have electricity and the houses have a stove that runs off of gas.

Maggie and Mo’s problem is Maggie gets a little too curious and Mo reads out of an unlucky book and the the bad guy in the book magically comes straight into their living room. Maggie has to learn magic to stop this strange villain. One of the important events that happened was when the visitor Dustfinger made fire come out of his mouth because that was the first glimpse of magic. Another important event was when the thugs came to rob the book shortly after Mo read it to maggie.  Thats when the disaster happened. One little quote to prove that the evil guy is bad is “I tried to call the police but the lines are down”,said the aunt. That quote proves if the police had came they would have taken the crook away.


I enjoyed the book a lot. If I were to rate this book on a scale of 1 to 5, it would be a 4 because I really enjoyed how they got you interested into the book really fast. Another reason why I enjoyed the book is because I am a fan of fantasy. If you are a fan of fantasy this book is for you. I recommend this book to people who like fantasy because there are a lot of big adventures that have some really strange things but they are always believable. I also reccomend this book to people who like mystery because it has a lot of mystery. The mystery might come to your liking or they might not.

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