The Tiger Rising, By Kate DiCamillo


This is a very good book for someone who likes a mix a nature and non-fiction. The book is about a boy named Robert ‘Rob’ Horton who is around 11 years old. His mother is dead (died from cancer) and finds a tiger in the woods behind the ‘The Kentucky star Motel’ In Florida. The tiger really cheers him up along the way. He meets two ‘bus bullies’ named Norton Threemonger and Billy Threemonger. On one of the bus rides to school he sees  and meets a very independent girl named Sistine Bailey.  She hates Florida and wants to leave. She stands out with her clothing and attitude. She fights first in fights, gets hurt and doesn’t care.

Rob’s dream came true and then his real journey begins.

 Two big events are that he finds the tiger and he finds Sistine’s missing pieces to the puzzle.

I would give this book 3 *** because it doesn’t have a lot of suspense. There are parts where you want to just put the book down.  

4 thoughts on “The Tiger Rising, By Kate DiCamillo

  1. This is a fascinating review. It works really well in tandem with Milei’s review of the book. She liked it a little more than you.

  2. I’m thinking a good tag to add would be “magical realism”. It’s a genre that’s hard to explain, but it fits this title, I think.

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