Sophie Kielian CR #6

Essential Question: How are the limitations on exercise and physical activity during the coronavirus pandemic impacting mental health?   Throughout the six weeks of senior project, my essential question has[…]

Sophie K. CR #5

Essential Question: How are the limitations on exercise and physical activity during the coronavirus pandemic impacting mental health? After completing 5 weeks of senior project, I have learned a lot[…]

Sophie Kielian CR #4

Essential Question: How are the limitations on exercise and physical activity during the coronavirus pandemic impacting mental health?   Recently, I have been trying to focus my senior project research[…]

Sophie K. Blog Post

This week of senior project, I did a combination of research, interviews, and tried out new types of exercise. I continued with the Science of Exercise course that I have[…]

Sophie Kielian CR #3

Essential Question: How are the limitations on exercise and physical activity during the coronavirus pandemic impacting mental health? As a part of my project I have been conducting interviews with[…]

Sophie Kielian CR #2

Essential Question: How are the limitations on exercise and physical activity during the coronavirus pandemic impacting mental health?   With the social isolation, inability to get outdoors, and lack of[…]

Sophie Kielian CR #1

The essential question that is guiding my senior project is “how are the limitations on exercise and physical activity during the coronavirus pandemic impacting mental health?” This topic has been[…]

Sophie K. Blog Post #2

For the second half of my first week of senior project, I continued to do research and started conducting some interviews. For my research, I continued reading articles from data[…]

Sophie K. Blog Post #1

To start off my senior project, I wanted to do some background research on exercise and mental health. I started by researching what happens in the brain when you exercise.[…]