Ari Week 4

I have finished many smaller projects but have been putting off my larger documentary. I think it is because it’s been difficult to keep up with. I’ve been trying to[…]

Ari Cer 3

When originally making the video I had not known the meaning or message behind it. After the shoot, Reggi realized how he had portrayed himself in an inaccurate way and[…]

Ari Cer 2

The impact of the virus and the evolution of this pandemic has taken many turns since I first began writing and crafting my film. As my message is still the[…]

Ari Cer 1

My essential question is, How can I learn to tell a story that is successful and authentic through the median of film and photography? So far in answering my essential[…]

Ari Week 3

This week after focusing some much on the videography of my project I tried using photography as the other key component in visual storytelling. Not only is this an unprecedented[…]

Ari Week 2

This week I began writing interview questions that I will be asking specific demographics of people. These questions are all geared towards my own personal experiences of this pandemic and[…]