How has your essential question changed throughout the 6 weeks? What did you expect to learn and how does that compare to what you did learn? How do you anticipate this experience[…]
Author: Anna
Anna Mueller – Blog Post #8: Character Communication
Up until yesterday, the way in which Astrid (Hanna’s character) and Natalie (my character) communicated was by sending letters back-and-forth. However, we recently shifted to email communication as it would[…]
Anna Mueller – CR #5
Prompt: What have you discovered about your process, your habits? Now, what do you know you don’t know? Circle back to your essential question. Throughout my Senior Project Experience,[…]
Anna Mueller – Blog Post #7: Character Conflict
I wasn’t able to come up with a solid conflict for my character until this week. I began the project with the assumption that both my character and Hanna’s character[…]
Anna Mueller – Blog Post #6: Internal vs. External Conflict
In order to differentiate between Hanna’s character’s story and my character’s story, I think it’s crucial to closely examine the conflict that our characters will face. While it was mostly[…]
Anna Mueller – CR #4
*this CR is in response to the prompt about my essential question* I’ve just started my fifth week of senior project work and I’m definitely making progress towards answering[…]
Anna Mueller – Blog Post 5: Style of Fictional Journal Writing
As I’ve been writing journal entries as my character, I haven’t given too much thought to the actual language I use, especially given the fact that in some way my[…]
Anna Mueller – CR #3
*this CR is in response to the prompt about a reference text* I’m currently reading a novel that features letters, so I think I’m starting to make some conclusions[…]
Anna Mueller – CR #2
Essential Question: How are stories changed based on the perspectives from which they are told? Last week I began reading my first explorative text: The Year of Secret Assignments[…]
Anna Mueller – Blog Post 4: First Letter
A main component of Hanna and I’s project is a back-and-forth between our two characters through letters. This ended up being a bit more difficult in execution because, in order[…]
Anna Mueller – Blog Post 3: Cohort Workshop
My Writing Cohort group had our first set of workshops this morning! We read the work last night and then spent some time writing notes for the workshop discussion. Ruthie[…]
Anna Mueller – CR #1
Hanna and I have made significant progress in the development of our characters and their journals. We will begin working on the communicative portion of the project once we have[…]
Anna Mueller – Blog Post 2: Character Journal
After Hanna and I drafted the plot of our story and completed a few character development exercises, we both began working on our characters’ journal. One of the biggest challenges[…]
Anna Mueller – Blog Post 1: Character Development
I spent a large portion of my time during the first three days of Senior Project conducting character development exercises. Before writing either the letters or the journal (both from[…]
Anna Mueller – Senior Project Proposal
Name Anna Mueller Project Name An Exercise in Storytelling Essential Question How are stories changed based on the perspectives from which they are told? Statement of Definition[…]