Anna Mueller – CR #5

Prompt: What have you discovered about your process, your habits?

Now, what do you know you don’t know? Circle back to your essential question. 


Throughout my Senior Project Experience, I have discovered a lot about myself as a person, and specifically as a learner. I began my project with a baseline of knowledge about the differences in storytelling, but I had no real experience applying them to my own writing, or at least I’d never intentionally thought about it in the context of my writing. The only times in the past that I’d really thought about it was when I was specifically asked to in English classes. When I started working on my project, I had to figure out how to think about these storytelling factors without guidance—so I created it.


I chose to read a book written in a style that would allow me to see some of the differences of storytelling in action. I found this very helpful, especially when it came to the letter portion of my project. I found myself turning to the book just to see some basic things about exposition and realistic language in the given format. I also read a few simple “how-to” articles, just to reinforce some of the basic ideas I thought I understood, and I actually learned quite a bit just from that. The third thing that helped me out a lot was the workshops that we did within the writing cohort group. Having my pieces read and discussed was a great way for me to see how they were received by others.


While I have discovered a lot about the answer to my essential question, there is undoubtedly a lot that I still don’t know. For my project, I only focused on a few specific elements of storytelling and didn’t acknowledge others. Ideally, if I had more time, I would have designed a project that would allow me to explore all kinds of these storytelling elements, but given the purpose and logistical constraints of this project, I decided it would be best to get a deep insight into a select few as opposed to a more basic understanding of a wider range. 


At this point, I am confident that I have a solid answer to my essential question, but I still plan to develop it further as I finish up my senior project. 

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