cr 6

My essential question was really just a starting point in the world of sustainable food and cooking. I think this was an important element of my senior project but the[…]

Week 6 post 1

I culminated my senior project experience with the creation of my mother’s birthday cake. The cake captured many different aspects of my project in one dish. I used foraged lemongrass[…]

CR 5

I have learned a lot about myself as a person and as a learner this week and in the last five weeks. The more time I spent working on my[…]

CR 4

This week I faced a major setback in my work that I felt imperative to reflect upon. It began with an attempt to make iced tea. I boiled water for[…]

Week 5, post 1

This week came to me along with a number of lifestyle changes. As I mentioned as an aspiration is my previous blog post, I took to making memorable dishes. I[…]

CR 3

As my project has progressed there have been a number of small changes that I’ve had to assimilate to. While my goal was to cook using all local ingredients, this[…]

Week 4, post 1

My daily routines have begun to feel rather monotonous. It has become increasingly harder to find new things to do and ways to make my project interesting for me. This[…]

Critical Reflection 2

Garlic mustard plants grow in small patches. Where you find one, you find about twenty. I discovered this on my first day foraging and it has proved to be my[…]

Week 3 post 1

The weather has been making things very difficult for me this week. The constant rain has made my foraging difficult. I continued to go out and forage but the rain[…]

Critical Reflection

My essential question is centered around providing fresh and healthy meals to my family during the quarantine. This became a very important topic in my life and was able to[…]

Week 2 post 2

This week I made a number of dishes including bread, stew, and chicken pot pie. One big difficulty I struggled with when making bread was that the weather was too[…]

Week 2 post 1

As the week began I tried to expand both my cooking skills and foraging. One problem I’ve come across while foraging is the difficulty to properly identify a plant. Below[…]

Week 1 part 2

I did my next cooking exploration as a breakfast meal. I gathered garlic mustard and used it as flavoring and spice for my healthy and proteinous breakfast dish. Below are[…]

Week 1, part 1

This week I started by cooking with ingredients from local farmers from the farmers market. One new food to me was lions mane mushrooms. Then I began my foraging. To[…]

Senior Project Proposal

FINAL PROPOSAL Name:  Anna Faulkner   You have already written versions of your responses to many of these questions in previous assignments for Senior Project; you may reuse prior writing[…]