Jaquie’s 5th CR

EQ: How are various healthcare facilities around the world dealing with COVID-19, and how can understanding this help make the healthcare system more fair and equitable for all?

Over the past five weeks, I learned not only the knowledge to complete my senior project, but my working habits and what I need. At first, going into this project, I thought I had a concrete understanding of what topics I had to look into, but over the course of the time, as well as everything panning out, I realized there was tons of information that I had to include. As for my habits, I discovered that I work better during the day, so normally when we have classes, and I like to get through my hours with occasional breaks. I am mostly focused all the time and because I am passionate about this topic, it hasn’t seemed to bore me as much as I expected.

Due to the COVID-19 information changing every day, it was hard to keep up and to know what was right from wrong. There weren’t that many published essays that talked about COVID-19 because it was so new. I think it was about mid-March/late March as to when I found a research paper on the topic. This information was essential to answering my question, not only did it justify what I looked up but it felt like real evidence. Everything that is on the news or websites is so unpredictable and could give you false information, that I had to really become aware of what sources I was getting my information from.

As I reflect now, I have started to trace back my information. So for instance, I’ve been keeping a live science document from the basic headliners and interesting information that comes up every day. It’s interesting to go back even a week ago to see what was happening; we all think the time is occurring so slowly, but in reality, everything is happening quite fast. Just as I was color coding all my notes, I noticed repeats but also old information that has been debunked or not relevant to my essential question. I definitely throughout this journey I did a lot more research than I expected and probably more than I need to conduct my solution. Although I am not an expert on COVID-19 nor the healthcare systems, I have found a nice ground of which I am comfortable.

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