Interview with Lauren Mucciolo, the producer of the Documentary: Poor Kids

On November 24th, my group and I had an interview with Lauren Mucciolo in the school library. I have to say, waiting for someone that you have never met before is pretty nerve racking and hilarious. Every single time someone that we hadn’t seen before appeared to be coming near the school entrance, we all hopped up from our seats and stood by the door with nervous smiles. If any of the women actually came through the door, Ava would go up to them and say “Hi, I’m Ava. Are you Lauren?” When Lauren actually arrived, I was relieved that we didn’t have to keep doing that up-and-down smile thing any longer. Lauren is the producer of a documentary called Poor Kids that we had watched. Momii and Sarah had recommended that we watch this film because it directly correlated with our topic. After we watched it, we then found out that groups in previous years had interviewed Lauren and suggested that we contact her. The interview started with brief introductions and we started with questions right away. Before the interview we had come up with a series of questions to ask but as we started asked them, we had so many more questions than we thought we would want answers to. Not only did we find out about the process of making the film, but we learned about the crew, how they picked the children to profile, and important facts about poverty. While watching the film, I noticed that one of the girl’s schools gave out bags of food on Fridays so that the kids had food over the weekend. I asked about this and Lauren explained to me how certain kids eligible for free meals at the school sometimes also get this package at this specific school. Then we had a whole discussion on a fascinating conversation she had had with the principle of that school and how many children are below the poverty line who attend that school. I have to say, Lauren was such an amazing person to talk to because she had such amazing amazing answers to our questions which led into more questions. Then, after we had asked all of the questions we could think of, she then was curious about our project which lead into another great conversation.

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