
Interview With Invisable Children

We called Elizabeth Gullien to find out more information about child soldiers and whatb Invisabel Children is doing. We asked what happened to Kony in 2012 and what is Invisables Childrens future plans. We aslo asked if alot of these rebel orginizations are very week and dont have a lot of money how do they fund their weapons.

Providing Food to the Elderly

Throughout our time at Meals on Wheels we experienced new cultures, learned amazing information about senior citizens, and gave back to the elders that have made our amazing city. We started off our day with a brief seminar on how to deliver packages to the elders signed up for Meals on Wheels, while also being shown the food and purpose of the deliveries. We were not simply given five packages of food and left to roam the streets of New York City alone, but given an in depth and informative speech and lesson by one of the volunteer coordinators. After leaving the Meals on Wheels main office, we started walking to our first seniors’ building. After knocking on the door and delivering our package, Anne, our first senior citizen, invited us in for company and tea. We talked to her about her young life and her current agility and strength. After visiting four more elders within a 10 block radius of the Meals on Wheels main office, we found that certain elders seemed ashamed of their age, others needed company and comfort, and some simply wanted to take their food without small talk and banter. No matter the circumstance, the elders were happy Meals on Wheels provided for them, and wished us the best of luck on our Social Justice project.

Visiting With and Delivering Food to the Elderly of New York City

My group (Dora, Liam and I) went with Dora’s parents (as our chaperones), to deliver food to seniors who are unable to go out and buy food for themselves. We delivered one of the twelve emergency packages that they deliver each month. This emergency package is filled with “shelf life food”. We delivered four of the five given to us, and since the other one didn’t have anywhere to go, we brought it back to school.

Participating in Period Con

We went to the convention and talked to many people from the different companies and organizations listed above about volunteer and/or interview opportunities and about our project. We also discussed internship/job opportunities with Nadya (Period Founder and Executive Director) and Eudora (Programs Director). We got an interview with Ingrid Nilsen as well!