
Hi! My name is Tilda and I'm a middle school student. This year my class has been working on a social justice project, and this year overall we have been choosing to participate. I and my group members are dedicated to the topic of Sports and Equality. I'm very invested in social justice and have spent around five months researching my topic.

Interview With Team of Mother and Daughter: Fighting For Equality

I interviewed Kate Grace and Kathy Smith over skype about their personal experiences of being a woman in sports. Kate Grace is a professional runner who competed in the 2016 Olympics. She also runs in other competitions. Kathy Smith was one of the most known 80s aerobics instructors. Both had to overcome a lot of sexism in their work, and they both are experts on what it’s like to be a female athlete now.

Hudson Taylor: An Ally to All

On December 5th, we skyped Hudson Taylor to learn more about the treatment of LGBTQ athletes in sports. We talked about his personal impact on this issue. We also talked briefly about gender equality and what he believes are the future steps for equality in sports. He offered perspectives to issues we had never heard before, like his ideas about sports in the future.

Sexual Assault in Sports: Why the Abuse Has Yet To Stop

In November, my group and I interviewed Will Hobson from the Washington Post. We skyped him in the learning lab, and we asked him about his work on reporting sexual assault in the Olympics. He has written about many different things, including work about houses in Florida, that won him a Pulitzer Prize. Recently, he has been writing lengthy articles about sexual assault in the Olympics, especially to young girls in camps for gymnastics.

Interview with Allison Grover.

We met Allison Grover at school and interviewed her about what it’s like to work for Athlete Ally. We discussed what she considers the biggest issues facing LGBTQ rights in sports and what we can do to help. We also talked about title nine and the current administration.