Every Mother Counts + Nazdeek

Name: Tess

Social Justice Group: 2018-2019, Women: Maternal Health

Date of Fieldwork: December 4, 2018

Name of Organization: Every Mother Counts + Nazdeek

Person (people) with whom I met and their job titles:

Type of Fieldwork: Interview

What I did:

Recently we went to the Every Mother Counts office to sit in on a webinar with them and an organization in Delhi, India. Nazdeek is an organization that is dedicated to training people. They discussed various approaches in how to achieve getting equal healthcare in India. They told us about their program and strategies. We took many notes and in the end, we were able to ask questions that we had for them relating to the organization.

What I learned:

We learned many new things about our topic. We learned about the organization and what their main focuses are and how they relate to EMC. They are an organization that is trying to protect women who aren’t making enough money get access to maternal healthcare in Delhi. They give them the rights to a safe motherhood. They have hospitals that can supply meals for children, and where women can get the money they need for their pregnancy. They get cash benefits, free meals, and check ups in these hospitals.

What I learned about Social Justice “work” and/or Civil and Human rights “work” from this fieldwork:

One of the many interesting and devastating facts about women’s rights in Delhi was how much money they make in one day. 7 Million Women work in tea factories and make $1.25 a day, and they have to live off of that. This effects their access to maternal healthcare. They can not afford to pay and get the care they need. Nazdeek fights for human and civil rights to make sure things like this don’t happen. Another thing they do is a training program. This trains people to fight for civil rights.

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