All posts by Sherezada

Finding the Process and Project

Imagine a school where its teachers and staff members are regularly engaged in passion-based projects in areas of expertise or a new found hobby. How would that change the school culture? Imagine if students were also given the opportunity to explore their own personal project ideas and they were integrated as meaningful parts of their schoolwork and curriculum. What are the challenges to achieve this? Continue reading Finding the Process and Project

The Teacher As Learner

I started my self-study journey with the goal to engage in my own personal scientific inquiry. I wanted to give myself the same structure and timeframe that my 8th grade students had for working on their own scientific investigations so I could experience the process as they did. By putting myself into the position of the learner from day one, I was able to gain valuable insights into what the process was like for my students allowing me to better support them in their learning. Continue reading The Teacher As Learner