Category Archives: Lower School

Creative Writing As a Lens for Exploring My Creative Practice

For my tenure self-study, I will focus on my own creative writing practice. This year, I am specializing in the teaching of English/Language Arts rather than Humanities as a whole. This means I am designing new curriculum and a major focus of the year for me is the teaching of writing, both expository and creative writing. Continue reading Creative Writing As a Lens for Exploring My Creative Practice

A Kindergarten Classroom in a Global Pandemic?

Community is at the heart of early childhood education. We rely on our classroom community to connect with one other, to create positive learning environments, to enrich programming, to build and foster strong relationships, and to deepen our understanding of identity and cultural knowledge. By building community in our Kindergarten, students take risks and persevere when faced with a challenge. 

Continue reading A Kindergarten Classroom in a Global Pandemic?

The Problems of Unexamined Normative Assumptions

Essential Questions:

  • How do we teach students to see historical events through multiple perspectives?
  • How does changing the “voice” of the class materials challenge stereotypes about non-Western civilizations and cultures?
  • How do we teach students to value the achievements of civilizations that are not their (or our) own or that have traditionally been seen through a deficit lens?
  • How can highlighting examples of interactions between oppressed and dominant groups throughout history reveal injustices that affect our students’ lives?

Continue reading The Problems of Unexamined Normative Assumptions

Many Scales make a Rainbow Fish: Exploring Self and Community in the Fours

Essential Questions:

  • How do we grow our understanding of ourselves within a community?
  • How do we develop our own identities while also learning about others’ identities?
  • How do we use the concept of community to notice and celebrate both similarities and differences?
  • How do we use the concept of community to foster a culture of social justice in terms of vision and action?

Continue reading Many Scales make a Rainbow Fish: Exploring Self and Community in the Fours

What’s in a name? Looking Deeper into Morning Meeting in the Lower School.

Essential questions:

  • How does morning meeting develop identity on a daily basis? How can this practice be deepened? 
  • How can morning meeting develop capacity for anti-bias work?

Guiding Questions:

  • Where do our names come from? 
  • Why are they so important?

Continue reading What’s in a name? Looking Deeper into Morning Meeting in the Lower School.

We Are the Same, We Are Different: Racial Literacy in Early Childhood Classroom

Essential Questions: 

  • How do discussions about sameness build a sense of shared community?
  • How do we explore the ways we are different from people around us?
  • What are ways that people are treated unfairly?
  • What can I do to make things more fair for myself and others? 

Continue reading We Are the Same, We Are Different: Racial Literacy in Early Childhood Classroom