Archive of ‘Science’ category

What is Next? By Sierra McDonald

Japan is ahead in many different technologies. For example ET3 thought of a really interesting train idea. In the future I am wonder What is next? I ask this because as their technologies advance so do ours like the iphone keeps getting better. By Sierra

I assume by “ahead” you’re referring to technological advancement. While living in Japan, I noticed a variety of areas where Japan is ahead of the US, and other areas where Japan is surprisingly far behind the US.


Keep in mind that the stereotypical perception of Japan (robots, etc.) is actually not accurate. I lived in Japan for two years and didn’t see a single robot – as far as I know, those are just in science labs, much like self-driving cars here in the US.


Evacuated Tube Transport Technologies BY Sierra McDonald

Transportation should be clean, green, fast, comfortable and affordable for all; It must also be financially sustainable on a global level. THE TIME FOR A NEW MODE OF TRANSPORTATION IS NOW!   Why ET3?

I think this technology should be connected the rule

“Everything is connected” because it is talking about how this train is green and it will not run on very much power.  When this new idea was created  They thought it would be a good future train idea. They thought this because many people travel to all over the world just for a short amount of time like for an hour because you have a business trip. But with this new idea it could take less than half an hour on a trip that is two hours . That is why this new transportation will be a good idea.   

      BY Sierra McDonald






What is Away in NYC? By Sierra

Where does it go?        

In New York city everyday at least 12,000 tons of garbage is made. Also there are no landfills in New York yet, most of our garbage is sent to other places like Pennsylvania, Virginia and Ohio. There it is either recycled to make different things like electricity and more items or taken to places like New Jersey where it is processed and sent to recycling markets. So really there is no away. In class we are working on a operation manual for our spaceship earth study. During this project one rule we came across is no such thing as away.  

Is This how you want to live?

The Big Bang by Sierra, Lucia and Pema

Hello! This project is called the Big Bang. The Big Bang is what created all of us and every thing that is around us. Our project is representing the Big Bang. One inaccuracy with our project is actually believe it or not that huge explosion in space made no noise. And obviously ours made noise. And an accuracy was that ours scatted in tootle different spots just like the Big Bang.  Anyway hope you enjoyed our video!