The Fourteenth Goldfish

The Fourteenth Goldfish

 by: Jennifer L. Holm

  book review by: Sierra McDonald


51minRgRxBL._SX329_BO1,204,203,200_-1This book is called The Fourteenth Goldfish. It is written by a woman named Jennifer L. Holm. The setting of this book is in our time. It is set near 2015 and the characters are mostly at Ellie’s house, (Ellie is the main character) at her school and at her grandfather’s lab. The main characters in this book are Ellie, Ellie’s grandfather, Raj Ellie’s Friend, Moma Ellie’s friend, Brianna Ellie’s X-friend, Ellie’s Mother, Ellie’s Father and Ben Ellie’s Mother’s boyfriend (her parents got a divorce). The main problem in the story is her grandfather is a scientist but when he experimented on himself he looked different so he could not get the experiment back from the office. No one recognized him for who he really was except his daughter and niece. How will he get the experiment back?


The plot of the story is Ellie Roy and Ellie’s grandfather are trying to break into to the lab to get the experiment. They need the experiment because it could help people live longer; it could make a big difference in the world. Ellie was also dealing with her best friend and it seems like she lost her to the volleyball team.   A lot of the time Ellie’s grandfather and her mother got into fights but silly things like when to take out the trash. Normally Ellie would have to make a up her mind to see who she would agree with, but there are times when she can get away with not choosing at all. In the end of the story they figure out how to break in but it is not very easy. They have to figure out a plan where they will not get caught by the police. But still Ellie realized, “Its the circle of life, things need to move forward not backward”.


I really enjoyed the book because I like to learn things about science and this book had a lot of it. I also liked this book because it interested me to find out how they would break into the lab. Lastly, it was interesting to me to figure out what would happen to her friend Brianna. For example, when they talked to each other it was always sort of awkward because there were long sentence breaks and they did not really know what to talk about.   I think a reader who would enjoy to read about  someone’s life story or someone who enjoys science. I would rate this book 4 stars



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