FBI Demands Apple to Create a Skeleton Key

The FBI wants Apple to create a skeleton key to bypass the security feature on the Phone of a terrorist. My dad and I talked about the facts, and our ideas on how to resolve the issue. Can we trust the government won’t abuse their usage of the key? A few years ago an employee of the NSA (National Security Agency) named Edward Snowden exposed information on the U.S government’s secret spy program on it’s own citizens. Since then companies have been taking extra safety precautions on privacy.

In this case the FBI went to a court to get a warrant to be able to search the iphone, in the same way they get a warrant to search a house. Search warrants are an important tool for policing our society, and after much discussion with my dad I believe that there is no difference from getting a warrant to search a house and a warrant to search a phone. Therefore Apple should work with the FBI rather than against the FBI. My idea for this is for the key to never leave Apple’s lab so it can’t be abused by the FBI or any other government agency. Apple can put the files that the government wants into a special flash drive. As long as the government gets a warrant Apple can repeat this process and help the government in the war against terrorism.






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