My Favorite Posts on Dan & Jen’s 4th Grade Blog

These are my favorite posts from the blog. Why don’t you check them out also don’t forget to comment on them too.

The Farm Movies

I chose this one because I thought it was important to share my experience at the farm.

Land of Liberty: The Play

I chose this one because people may want to see pictures and hear about the play.

A Visitor from Nepal

I chose this one because the earthquake is really hard for some people.

A Busy Week

I chose this one because that busy week was important to our immigration study, and it was really fun!

Farm, Day 3

I chose this one because our poems, also share our farm experience.

Middle School is Right Around the Corner

I chose that one because our reflections about middle school is important.

The Fourth Grade Play: The Preview

I chose this one because the preview was really cool, and maybe people would like to see the play.

2014 Reflections

I chose this one because it is important to see what we thought before winter break.

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