3rd Quarter Medieval Women Studies

In humanities this quarter we learned a lot about medieval women. For the first few weeks we did lit circles. Lit circles is a reading group where you are assigned to a book and you read it along with doing assignments. I read Eleanor, Crown Jewel of Aquitaine. Every book was based off of a medieval women. For the past few weeks we were put into new groups and learned about new women. I learned about Khadijah, Rabi’a al Adawiya and Zubayda. I was the captin of my group. We read about three women because the Khadijah packet was short, but that allowed us to present differently. We then presented to the class what we learned. All of the women were extraordinary for the medieval era. I think that the reason why we are learning so much about medieval women is because they had it really hard back then, and they still do now. A successful women was a rarity back then.

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