Final Post: Reflection

This summer was an extremely fun summer for me. I went on vacations, went to sleep away camp, Chelsea Piers camp, and surf camp. I enjoyed every second of it all.

I made some new friends at camp, and I saw most of my friends for the first time in a year. At sleep away camp, you are with your cabin mates all the time, and you see everybody else for hours everyday. It is so hard to leave when you reliese that you won’t see most of your friends for a year. Sure, you can text and facetime them, but it’s not the same as being with them face to face. It’s been two weeks since camp ended. I missed everyone the second I got back. I recall the best of my memories at camp, the ones that are always in the back of my mind.

Iv’e been going to Chelsea Piers for quite a few years now, and I know most of the kids and counselors. I met new friends, saw old ones and had a great time. My first counselor Vito returned for one week after not being there for years, and all of the people that were in his group were so happy t see him.

Surf camp was a first, and I really enjoyed it. I enjoyed everywhere I went, and cannot believe that summer is almost over. My cousin Zach and I really didn’t want to go, but when we did, we didn’t want to leave.

Everywhere I went to vacation was stunning, and I am so glad that I have the opportunity
to go to these places. The memories are priceless. I can always look forward to every moment next year.

I remember things from the beginning of summer, even before summer and and everything seems like it was yesterday. As I am sitting in my bed, writing this, I cannot believe that school starts tomorrow. I remember the moment I walked into the classroom last year perfectly. I don’t want summer to go. I’m excited to see people at school, but it is different from summer. In summer you have much more leeway, and independence. I really like that. I know that I will settle into my classes quick, and get used to the difference. After all, don’t cry about the good times and them leaving, smile and think about the good times to come.



2 thoughts on “Final Post: Reflection

  1. you sound like you had a cool summer and your trip sounds very cool. I think it’s intresting how your family whent to a place that was close to NY but seemed like a forren country.

  2. Hi Wyatt, it sounds like you had a really great summer! It can always be difficult to go back to school after summer break because summer is such a wonderful time with such different learning experiences. But as you mentioned, I’m sure you’ll get right back into the swing of things at school.

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