3rd Quarter Music

I chose reggae because I wanted to get experienced with a type of music that I am not familiar with. The organ plays the part of the “bubble.” It plays against the beat. The guitar completes the whole song and the bass is always groovy and repetitive. Composing to a certain style is hard. You have to map your piece out around reggae. After you get into a rhythm (pun intended) while composing your piece, you can kind of drift away from only reggae.

Q3 Mandarin

Screenshot 2016-03-17 at 9.33.55 AM
We did tai chi for the lunar new year festival.It was hard but really fun.

This is my test from the 3rd quarter. We had to describe someone that the whole class knew and then they had to guess who it was. I did Dan. Here is the translation for the charters below: This person is male. He is American. His favorite sport is basketball. He likes apples. His favorite color is blue. He is not fat or thin. His favorite animal is gerbils. He is 26 years old. He has blonde hair.

We also learned about colors and sports. For our color project, we made a poster and on the back were things of the color we picked.

Who The Heck Are You Planning

We recently started the “Who The Heck Are You“ project. Yesterday, we brainstormed questions to ask our interviewee. We also learned about follow up questions and we had a competition for which table could come up with the fastest, well thought follow up question. All of the questions have to follow a general theme. My theme starts with childhood, then transitions into personal life and his job.I am interviewing Peter Fisher, the 8th-grade P.E teacher, and LREI Athletics Director. I am interviewing him at lunch or IWP today, and will ask him these questions.

Where did you grow up?
Was it hard?
How does that affect what you do now?
Why did you move?
What is your favorite childhood memory?
Did you have an idol growing up?
How did that person affect what you do?
What was special about that memory?
What was your dream job growing up?
How did that change as you grew up?
What do you think of it now?

What made you want to teach?
How long have you been working at LREI?
Are you involved with the lower school or high school?
Why do you like LREI?
What made you want to teach?
What do you like to do outside of school?

Personal Life:
Do you have a favorite music genre?
Do you have a favorite artist?
Have you ever been to a concert of anyone who performs this genre?
Do you have a favorite book?
You are a big San Francisco sports fan. What is your favorite sports memory?
Are you an organized and efficient person?
What things do you dislike?
If you could have one superpower what would it be?
Is there a time where things did not go the way you wanted?
What is your most bizarre talent?

Recent 3rd Quarter Science

For the past few classes, we studied the best lunch that you can have. We started by guessing what it could be and then we saw the real thing. You should have 27.5% of your meal be vegetables and grains, fruit and protein should be 16.25% and 12.5% should be dairy. We realized that I have way to much dairy from chocolate milk. 80% of my diet was chocolate milk but I narrowed it down to 70% this week.

3rd Quarter Medieval Women Studies

In humanities this quarter we learned a lot about medieval women. For the first few weeks we did lit circles. Lit circles is a reading group where you are assigned to a book and you read it along with doing assignments. I read Eleanor, Crown Jewel of Aquitaine. Every book was based off of a medieval women. For the past few weeks we were put into new groups and learned about new women. I learned about Khadijah, Rabi’a al Adawiya and Zubayda. I was the captin of my group. We read about three women because the Khadijah packet was short, but that allowed us to present differently. We then presented to the class what we learned. All of the women were extraordinary for the medieval era. I think that the reason why we are learning so much about medieval women is because they had it really hard back then, and they still do now. A successful women was a rarity back then.