Wyatt’s Hero Essay

Heroes are open minded, courageous, determined people who will do anything for the cause they believe in. They will do anything, anywhere, for anyone, just to fight for that golden cause. Jackie Robinson can definitely be considered a hero because he displayed the qualities above. Ulysses also fits this criteria, thus him being a hero.

Ulysses desperately wanted to get home. He dearly missed his wife; Penelope, and his son;  Telemachus. He also wanted his men to get home safely. With that always in the back of his mind, he never stopped, even if it meant partly restarting his journey. He was open minded, using his cunning to get out of tough situations. He was determined to get home, and he was courageous, risking his life for his men. Ulysses saved his men countless times, until they messed up beyond repair. He fought everything, and was always the first person to volunteer, risking his life to go straight into danger.

Jackie Robinson was an amazing person. He broke the color barrier in Major League Baseball, paving the way for stars like Hank Aaron, Ernie Banks and Willie Mays. Those are all african american players, their careers not possible without Jackie Robinson Jackie Robinson was a star Negro League (the league for African American and Latino players before Jackie Robinson broke the color barrier,) Branch Rickey, the owner of the Dodgers, decided to sign him. There was a lot of controversy, and the fans of his own team booed Jackie. He was racially abused by his teammates and opposing players. He kept on playing, even when he was pressured to quit. Now he is recognised as one of the best players to ever play Major League Baseball.


A personal hero of mine is a group. They are a sub team of my Little League, The Challengers. The Challengers are a team of kids any age who have physical and mental illnesses like autism. Every saturday, a team from the upper divisions (Ages 12-13+ with some 11 year olds) use their time slot (time for games) to teach these amazing kids learn baseball. The people in The Challengers have faced so many challenges, and to see them learn my favorite sport was extremely gratifying. They have the hero qualities without understanding that they do. They are open minded, because coming out to play baseball is really difficult with the challenges that they have. They are determined, coming out to play, even if it means not being the best players. They are courageous in the same way; them being brave and never giving up.


What if there were no heroes? Think of people in third world countries. How many people would be dead or living a miserable life without heroes? A lot. These heroes can be volunteers in Nepal, people giving food to homeless people and people helping kids in jail live a fun life. This essay explains who heroes really are, and without knowing it, you are probably thinking about other people. Those people that you realised were heroes. There are not enough heroes in this time. We need people to step up to problems like ISIS, water droughts in California and Africa, and the Taliban. People are doing things to help, but we need more people. We need more people to raise the issue. People need to be determined, courageous and open minded about solutions to the problems.

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