The first thing we did for this writing assignment was make a letter for the person we wanted to interview. I wanted to interview Rohan because I knew he was born in Jamaica and I wanted to know more about his childhood. I also wanted to know where he worked before LREI.

The second step we did was we had to come with 10 questions for your interviewee. My 10 questions were: What was it like growing up in Jamaica. How did you decide to teach art. How old were you when you came to New York. What was your job before you worked at LREI if you worked anywhere else. What was school like when you grew up. Where does your family live. how did you get into art. How long have you worked at LREI. Where did you go to college. And the last one is how many siblings do you have. Coming up with the first eight questions came easy but the last two were hard for me to think of.

             The interview was really fun because I got to find out the answers to the questions. I think the interview went really well but I think I could have added more follow up questions to his responses. After we finished our interview we had a document to out line the final writing. Click here for the document. After that we started to type the finale draft. One thing that was hard for me about the writing was stretching out to the interview because are writing had to be two pages long and I had a hard time getting the full two pages. I solved this by listing to the interview multiple times. This is the final writing piece.