Month: December 2015

Science Second Quarter

In science we have bin studying glucose. Glucose is tree food. Glucose is sugar. We had to present what glucose was made of. My group made a slide show with the formulas of glucose. I struggled with the formulas because there were a lot of formulas and they were complex to me.Screenshot 2015-12-07 at 10.36.31 AM

Wire figures second Quarter Art

1449497202148.1    This my wire sculpture. At first my sculptures were terrible then Wyatt  told me a trick of for making the sculptures me how to make one correctly. My sculptures is of me shooting a lay up. To get the right size we made proportion drawings. This is a proportion drawing. 1449497845327.1

Emotional Cartography

hi             This is a picture of my emotional cartographic map. It may not look like a map but it is one because it is showing my emotions on my walk to school. Usually with emotional cartography you use colors to represent your feelings. In one of the small drawings I used blue to represent sadness. You can make a Emotional cartography map with about anything, including how a person looks at their surroundings.

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