Month: October 2014

My updated composition

number post

My number is less then 80

My number is a factor of 322

My number is even

My number has two digest

my compation

 this is awsome

hola I like the bulls


History of the world

0                In social studies we put history cards in chronological order. The cards had a lot of the main events in the world. The first thing we did was decide what card was going to go first. Then we put the other cards in order. Then we checked in our notebook to see if we were right. We had trouble thinking where we should put grass invades Earth and we said it hase to go before apes walk on two legs we decided that because apes walked on two legs because of the grass. I learned that sometimes if  a card in a spot and your whole group agrees with were it is still check over it.


cool_sango-crift          I used all the rings because they look like the rings that the atoms go into. This was challenging because I had to line everything up witch is hard because sometimes the shape you are placing looks like it is on the shape that you want it to be on but it is behind the shape. I enjoyed this because it is cool that it is 3D. I had to think about this because I did not know were to put the rings. I think my atom resembles ernie ruthfurd because it has all the rings. Something that was acurate in my adam was all the rings and one inacurte thing is that my atom has two parts.

Math Board

unnamed       I noticed that the one on the bottom left hand corner is in the correct spot. It is in the correct spot because it starts in the middle. I notice that the two problems in the middle look different. I think the one in the middle that is lower is in the rong spot I think it should be in C because it starts in the middle. The one in the top left in C is wrong because it does not start in the middle. I think the one in C on the top right hand corner is to posed to go in B. I think the one in A on the bottom left hand corner should stay in A.

Steady Buckets

Steady Buckets is really fun. I do Steady Buckets on Wednesdays. Steady Buckets is a basketball program. My coaches are Coach Lefty and Coach Macky. I really enjoy Steady Buckets.


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