Structure fits function

Blog post
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These are Epithelial Cells, they are used as a microvilli bordering the villi. Epithelial tissues line the cavities and surfaces of blood vessels and organs throughout the body.


Epithelial cells come in three different shapes and sizes. The shape of the cell changes based on what purpose the cell needs to accomplish. Cuboidal Epithelial cells are what your skin is made of. That’s why your skin is squishy. It wouldn’t work if you had squamous cells because the are too leaky. If you had columnar Epithelial cells, your hand would be too thick! That wouldn’t be too convenient, would it?


The three types of epithelial cells are:
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and cuboidal.

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Your hand is covered in them! Cuboidal epithelial cells, as their name suggest, are shaped like cubes they are shaped like cubes . They are typically found in tissues that secrete or absorb substances, such as in the kidneys and glands. Columnar cells are long and thin, like columns. These are usually found in places that secrete mucus like the stomach. They need to be that shape because it has to be really thick because of all of the fluids and acids that are in your stomach etc. Squamous epithelial cells are flat and are usually found lining surfaces that require a smooth flow of fluid such as your blood vessels, or lining areas that require a very thin surface for molecules to pass through, like the air sacs in your lungs.


Spaceship Earth

We were assigned to create a space ship were a crew could live for twenty years. But no one could bring enough of anything on the twenty year voyage. in the top picture you see the third floor where the crew sleeps exercises and plays arcade games!

In the second picture you see the ground floor where the crew has a green host tat provides oxygen and foods. there is also the animals which provide meat and the cows and chickens provide milk and eggs. there is also a suana, kitchen, movie room bathroom and pool.

In the third picture you see the second floor which provides the water purifier. It helps keep the water clean so the crew can re-drink the water. There is also the compost room the bugs eat at the solid waste.

That is my spaceship! Thanks for taking the tour!

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A  challenge I came across was I would make a atom but then I would see something very different. I think a atom looks like this because atoms are so small and strong I think atoms are in a ball but not actually a ball and inside that there is protection and inside is a ball the real atom.  A really exciting part of building my atom was finally seeing what a atom looks like in at least my mind.


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