Peru Trip 2k18

I went to Peru last week for my world language trip. It was really fun because I got to hang out with friends, see old ruins and learn a lot about Peruvian culture.  Seeing all the Incan ruins was really cool because I got to learn about civilizations from 100’s of years ago. The trip was really fun!

The Women’s march

2 weekends ago I went to the women’s march. It was really cool to see everyone banding together for social justice. Last year I want to DC for the women’s march so this year wasn’t as big but it was still really cool. I hope women’s marches happen for years to come.

Winter Break Experiences

Over winter break I did a lot of activities. I went to a lot of movies and they were really insightful into seeing the world in a different way. I also went on the Warner Brothers studio tour which was really cool because I got to see all of the sets I have been seeing on screen for years which was really cool. I also got to see a lot of my family which I barely ever see which was really cool.

Science Project

For science my group created a project called smart trash which is a trash can that closes before it overflows. We chose a problem about the city and it was really fun to create something that could potentially fix that problem. It was really fun to create something original that actually works.

Twelfth Night

I have been doing crew for the Middle School Play which is William Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night. It is really fun to be on crew because you are never seen but you still get to take part in the show. All of my friends are involved in some way shape or form. It is really fun and now that the show is this weekend it is really starting to get intense. I am really excited for everyone to see it!