Best Friends

I wrote a poem called Best Friends and here it is:

Best friends

I have a few

Two live across the world

Five live a couple blocks away

From me


I wrote best friends talking about how I have a lot of best friends but they are not always right there. I did it to say that if I need someone I have a lot of people to go to but not everyone that I would like to. Best Friends is a cinquain poem and it took me some time to write. The form is cinquain type 3 which means it is:






I wrote 4 cinquains but this one is my favorite. I really like this poem because it expresses that I have a lot of friends but when I miss one of my best friends who live across the world I can go see one of them that lives nearby.



Structure fits function

Blog post
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These are Epithelial Cells, they are used as a microvilli bordering the villi. Epithelial tissues line the cavities and surfaces of blood vessels and organs throughout the body.


Epithelial cells come in three different shapes and sizes. The shape of the cell changes based on what purpose the cell needs to accomplish. Cuboidal Epithelial cells are what your skin is made of. That’s why your skin is squishy. It wouldn’t work if you had squamous cells because the are too leaky. If you had columnar Epithelial cells, your hand would be too thick! That wouldn’t be too convenient, would it?


The three types of epithelial cells are:
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Screenshot 2016-04-18 at 4.05.50 PM





and cuboidal.

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Your hand is covered in them! Cuboidal epithelial cells, as their name suggest, are shaped like cubes they are shaped like cubes . They are typically found in tissues that secrete or absorb substances, such as in the kidneys and glands. Columnar cells are long and thin, like columns. These are usually found in places that secrete mucus like the stomach. They need to be that shape because it has to be really thick because of all of the fluids and acids that are in your stomach etc. Squamous epithelial cells are flat and are usually found lining surfaces that require a smooth flow of fluid such as your blood vessels, or lining areas that require a very thin surface for molecules to pass through, like the air sacs in your lungs.


My arabian nights story

I feel proud of my Arabian Night’s piece because it actully sounds like something I would read in the book.

I think that revision is changing the story not only grammar. It might be to make it more intresting it might be the piece has no story arch. It could be changing a whole paragraph or more. Revising is making a piece better. I think that revision could change your whole piece. And it has nothing to do with grammar! It just makes it more interesting.

Math Problems

  1. 40=20% of ________



Word problem:

40 people have checked into the hotel today that is only 20% of the people scheduled for check in. How many people are scheduled to check in today?


8 1/2% of $500.00 =___?

8 1/2%=.085

.085 x $500.00=$42.50

Word problem:

Franks budget for a wedding ring for Christie was $500.00 He found a cheap ring that Christie was gonna love for 8 1/2% of his budget. How much was the ring?


18=____% of what number?




Word problem:

At the Broadway show china doll there are 18 people out of 150 seats what percent of the seats are filled?

The Cloisters

On friday we went to the cloisters. At the Cloisters there was a lot of exquisite medival art. I always found unicorns very cool. I didn’t know that unicorns were so important to medival times. I thought they were just a fantasy. Of pink fluffy unicorns dancing on rainbows. I didn’t know they could be so brutal. But I had fun and I saw a lot of intresting art and learned a lot.

