Adolescent Issues

I was excited to get lockers so I could actually have a place to keep my stuff that was not at just my table. Now I like lockers a lot more than cubby’s and I think it was smart of me to look forward to getting a locker.

In lower school I was scared I was going to have a lot of homework to much. But now it depends on my schedule because some teachers than others and sometimes I have to do more in one night because I did not have time to do it until the night before it was due.

I am worried about the parent teacher kid conferences. I might tell my parents and advisor a few things in advance about how I have been working in school and how I will be presenting.

I am excited for spirit week. I am excited to have pajama day and twin day and have fun all week.

Population Graph!


I chose to make my graph the shape it is because I knew population started growing slowly and got faster from the video we watched in class about growing population so I started slow and got faster and faster with the growing population. When Ana told us that in 8,000 B.C.E there were 5 million people in the world it really changed the graph in my mind (because I had not started my dots on the graph). It changed how population would increase. In my mind I thought population would grow at a pretty even pace. But then when Ana told us I thought about it and it made sense because of tech people can live longer and babies are more healthy.


Photo on 10-19-14 at 8.35 PM


A  challenge I came across was I would make a atom but then I would see something very different. I think a atom looks like this because atoms are so small and strong I think atoms are in a ball but not actually a ball and inside that there is protection and inside is a ball the real atom.  A really exciting part of building my atom was finally seeing what a atom looks like in at least my mind.


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The 20 Meter Track Problem

I think in A, the graph on the top does not belong to A, B or C. Because it does not stop, go slow or start at the half way point.  In I think the correct ones were the ones on the bottom. I think that because they stop but not for a long amount of time and then the rest of the graph is slower. I don’t think a lot of the problems where they are positoned is correct. I think the other to in are correct because the people just walked for different amount of times.  Because the problem never said how long the people on the 20 meter track walked forCLW5-graphs

What I Did Over The Summer

Over the summer I went to camp. My camp was called Tapawingo (it means place of joy in Native American).
168Tap was in Bridgeton, Maine. At camp my favorite period was water ski because when you were up on your skis you felt the wind in your hair and it felt great. The warm water was below you and you felt like you could do anything. Then when you were not on your skis you would talk to your friends and it was one of the periods where you were not with your whole bunk so you could change it up! And that was only one of my great experiences at camp and through out my whole summer. So I had a pretty awesome summer!