Summer reading


Personality Traits of Christopher


Despises the color yellow

He can’t stand to be touched

Knows all the Country’s of the world and there capitals

He relates well to animals but has no understanding of human emotions

He knows every prime number up to 7,507

His mother is dead

important characters




Siobhan (His tutor)




Important parts

Wellington was killed with a pitch fork

wellington belongs to mrs.shears

Christopher is looking for the person who killed Wellington

His mom died of heart trouble

his dad wants him to stay out of others peoples business and to stop looking for the killer of Wellington

He finds a bunch of letters from his mom from after she died and he discovers she is not dead

his dad lied she never died he just said she was hospitalized

His father killed Wellington

He feels unsafe with his father and runs away to live with his mother in London

he learns his mother and mr.shears ran off together after having an affair and thats why the father killed mrs.shears dog

He takes a train to get there

mr shears is mean to Christopher about being autistic

Christopher and his mother leave mr.shears and go back to Swindon

in order to gain his dad to gain his trust back his dad gets him a dog and he can only see the dog when he is with his dad.

So gradually starts to be closer with his dad again

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