My Math Profile

Jemma Fox          9/9/16

Split A                Math Profile

Well if you want to know about my math history, skill level and my perspective on math, first things first you should know I have a math tutor. That is because I am not a math whiz. I have never been in seminar and I am not the top of the class. I want to get better but one more thing that stands in my way I don’t love math. I lose interest fast and I want to get better so I pay attention more. I like learning math because it can challenge me but I get discouraged fast so I don’t like so difficult so I don’t get discouraged before I can finish the problem. The reason I don’t like learning math is A. I get discouraged about half the time. When I am doing homework and I am on a problem that has a lot of equations I take another page to do a long strategy and rely figure it out so I can advance in the problem. One other thing I don’t know if you do this but I cannot do take home tests I know Margaret did them all the time I always fail them I feel no pressure taking tests in school so having a take home test is just a bucket load of extra math work. And I have to complete in one week and the more work the more discouraged I get and the more lazy I get and I start to care less and get a worse grade. But I am excited to improve in math and start to enjoy it more. So that’s all you need to know about math and I.

Math Problems

  1. 40=20% of ________



Word problem:

40 people have checked into the hotel today that is only 20% of the people scheduled for check in. How many people are scheduled to check in today?


8 1/2% of $500.00 =___?

8 1/2%=.085

.085 x $500.00=$42.50

Word problem:

Franks budget for a wedding ring for Christie was $500.00 He found a cheap ring that Christie was gonna love for 8 1/2% of his budget. How much was the ring?


18=____% of what number?




Word problem:

At the Broadway show china doll there are 18 people out of 150 seats what percent of the seats are filled?

My math notebook


My note book is a tool I could improve on working with but i have gotten better over the course of the year. I still have not really gotten into the habit of putting a date and title in every page but I am working on it. I think that I will get better at not making as many lines in my notebook but it will be a difficult fight because it is a habit. But I have not done it in a while! My note book can really help me think and learn and I am looking forward to improving on using it as a tool over the course of the second quarter and the rest of the year.