Crucible Comparative Essay Outline Template

Name:Jemma                                             Humanities

7th Grade                                                                         Comparative Essay

Outline for Crucible/McCarthy Comparative Essay


Theme: Scapegoating .


Paragraph #1: Introductory Paragraph (GIT)


Grabber Statement (G):

Imagine being put on the stand for a superstitious crime that you did not commit with your life on the line. Do you confess for your life and ruin your reputation or stay pure and be executed? There have been many instances in America’s history where many innocent people have been denied freedom and have been dehumanized by certain individuals’ selfish plans for more power. This is scapegoating.


Introduction of Theme (I):

Innocent people all throughout our country’s history have been unfairly scapegoated. It started when Abby and the afflicted girls accused many random and innocent people in the town of Salem, Massachusetts. Then it happened again when Joseph McCarthy scapegoated hundreds of people of being communists, and in present day Donald Trump is scapegoating Muslims of being terrorists by banning them from entering the country. These individuals used scapegoating to gain more power and attention. History really does repeat itself.


Thesis Statement (T):

All throughout history innocent people have been scapegoated and marginalized unjustly in certain people’s effort for more power.




Paragraph #2: Crucible Thematic Connection


Topic Sentence (T):

Abby and the afflicted girls scapegoat many people in the town of Salem for selfish gain, which usually costs innocent people their lives.


Explanatory Sentence (E):

Abby scapegoats Tituba as the first of many in the play. She does this in an effort for power and to take blame off herself.  The following quote shows Abby telling everyone that Tituba is in league with the devil.


Evidence (E):
“HALE, grasping Abigail : Abigail, it may be your cousin is dying. Did you call the Devil last night?
ABIGAIL: I never called him! Tituba, Tituba …
PARRIS, blanched: She called the Devil?
HALE: I should like to speak with Tituba

PARRIS: Goody Ann, will you bring her up? Mrs. Putnam exits.
HALE: How did she call him?
ABIGAIL: I know not—she spoke Barbados.”(Miller, The Crucible pg.62)


Analysis (A):

This quote shows how when Abby was blamed of doing a bad deed she immediately says that Tituba is guilty of the action not her. Tituba is a black disempowered woman. Abigail is blaming someone with no power and influence so there is no way she can be blamed. It is wrong of her and the afflicted girls to blame disempowered people for selfish games. It is the exact definition of scapegoating. “Scapegoat: a person who is blamed for the wrongdoings, mistakes, or faults of others, especially for reasons of expediency.” (google dictionary) Abigail scapegoats Tituba to gain power but in the process abuses the privilege and becomes selfish. Abigail dehumanizes and marginalizes many women in the process of her selfish games. She makes many women suffer and treats it as a sport. It is entirely made up and it’s all fantasy. Abby and the afflicted girls scapegoated many people and not only ruined their lives they ruined their families lives. They scapegoated lots of people and treated as a harmless game.


Concluding/ Transition (C):

Abby scapegoated many people for no reason for greed, power and attention. As they say history repeats itself because nearly two hundred years later Joseph McCarthy did the exact same thing.




Paragraph #3: McCarthy/Red Scare Thematic Connection


Topic Sentence (T):

Joseph McCarthy scapegoated many innocent people during the second Red Scare in an effort for more power.


Explanatory Sentence (E):

Joseph McCarthy blamed many people by ruining or ending their lives in a selfish effort for more power. He held no suspicions of certain people who he believed were communists and told the world that he did for more power and attention.  The following quote explains that he had no list and was falsely accusing people.


Evidence (E):

“McCarthy’s charge that hundreds of Communists held jobs in the U.S government shocked the nation. But almost immediately after the  speech he changed his claim that 205 communists worked for the state department. In Denver, Colorado the second stop on his speaking tour, he told reporters he had a list of 207 people considered to be “bad risks” when reporters asked to see the list, McCarthy said he left it in his other suit which was still on the plane. In fact, McCarthy did not have any list. He was Basing his claims on a letter the had been written more than three years earlier.” (Fitzgerald, McCarthyism, pg.42)


Analysis (A):

McCarthy had no list of communists. He had a phony list he never had with him. His changing of claims was just evidence enough. He had no set number because there was barely any communist and even he didn’t know that. He was scapegoating innocent people and marginalizing them for no reason. There was rare case like the Rosenberg’s where Julius was a real russian spy. But we didn’t even learn that till a few years ago. He was a scapegoat and blamed people falsely for no reason all of the time. He falsely accused people consecutively for nine years. Joseph McCarthy was a scapegoating greedy, powerful, cruel senator. He scapegoated so many people for no reason. A little bit for him to get attention, but mostly for no reason. Joe was a man who would stand at nothing in his way for him to get attention and to succeed.


Concluding/ Transition (C):

Joseph McCarthy blamed many people in an effort for more power and attention just like Donald does today by scapegoating Muslims.




Paragraph #4: Modern Day Witch Hunt Thematic Connection


Topic Sentence (T):

Donald Trump scapegoats many innocent muslims in our country in an effort for more power.


Explanatory Sentence (E):

Donald Trump banned many muslim people from entering the country to prevent muslim terrorism. Though in the past many years there has been no terrorist activity in those countries. And in the country’s there has been terrorist activity Mr. Trump has business in. So he doesn’t ban those countries to keep business with them.


Evidence (E):

“I hereby proclaim that the entry of nationals of Syria as refugees is detrimental to the interests of the United States and thus suspend any such entry,” the order signed by Trump reads.

The total number of refugees admitted into the United States would also be capped during the 2017 fiscal year at 50,000, down more than half from the current level of 110,000.

“I am establishing new vetting measures to keep radical Islamic terrorists out of the United States of America,” Trump said during the signing at the Pentagon after the swearing-in of Defense Secretary James Mattis. “We don’t want them here.” (As said by Donald Trump on CNN)


Analysis (A):

Donald Trump is scapegoating Muslim people especially from certain countries such as Syria, Somalia, Libya, Iraq, Iran, Yemen, and Sudan. Though he says banning these countries in an effort to end islamic terrorism there has not been any terrorism whereas countries such as Saudi-Arabia where there has been a frequent amount of terrorism he is not banning. Also Trump has had lots of business in Turkey, Saudi, Azerbaijan, and Egypt. Also he claims he doesn’t want those Muslims here but what is the difference between those Muslims and the ones in Turkey? Oh I know, you have business with the ones in Turkey, Mr. Trump.  He is being a hypocrite he says Muslims don’t belong and that they are terrible though he still stays allies with his Muslim business partners. He is scapegoating many Muslims because of their religion. What does he have against them. What does he hate about them. I don’t know why you would discriminate against a large group of people because of their beliefs. He is scapegoating them for no reason it is false accusations.


Concluding/ Transition (C):

Donald Trump scapegoats many people for no reason and in an effort for more power. Just like Abby did in the 1700’s and like Joe McCarthy did in the 50’s. History really does repeat itself.



Paragraph #5: Concluding Paragraph (ROC)


Reflection on Thesis (R):

All throughout America’s history people have done  horrible wrongdoings by scapegoating. People with authority misuse their power for their own gain. But in the process they hurt lots of others.


Overview of Main Points (O):

All throughout history people have scapegoated people for their own gain. In the different unfortunate instances where innocent people have been scapegoated, people have been falsely accused and have stereotyped lots of innocent people.


Concluding Idea (C):

If people can begin to realize that they are ruining people’s lives maybe they would stop scapegoating and realize what they were doing was wrong. Because even if it was for their own gain maybe they will realize that their actions are a scandal. If they are to be found out they will go down in history as a terrible person. Just like Joseph McCarthy, Abigail Williams and Donald Trump. They have done horrible deeds by scapegoating so hopefully you learned something. Don’t let people scapegoating innocent people control you. Be the generation that ends irrational scapegoating, it comes with a cost.


The outline template is very helpful to create a first part of an essay because it is easy to know what you are doing and what part you are on without getting confused. You can sometimes forget what you were doing and the order and mix everything up and the template keeps everything in check. I think my experience with the template was less complicated because I knew more of what I was doing but other than that it was about the same experience. I think the format is very helpful and it makes a lot sense and it flows and works well. I like the format and hope to continue working with it in the future.

How to Make Chapatis – By Phulan

File_000If you are looking for something to make you should make chapatis! Chapatis are thin pancakes of  whole-grain bread cooked on a griddle.

To make chapatis you need:

Step one of making chapatis:

In a large bowl, stir together the whole wheat flour, all-purpose flour and salt. Use a wooden spoon to stir in the olive oil and enough water to make a soft dough that is elastic but not sticky. Knead the dough on a lightly floured surface until it is smooth. Divide into 10 parts, or less if you want bigger breads. Roll each piece into a ball. Let rest for a few minutes.

Step 2:

Heat a skillet over medium heat until hot, and grease lightly. On a lightly floured surface, use a floured rolling pin to roll out the balls of dough until very thin like a tortilla. When the pan starts smoking, put a chapati on it. Cook until the underside has brown spots, about 30 seconds, then flip and cook on the other side. Continue with remaining dough.

Thank you for learning how to make chapatis!!

Best Friends

I wrote a poem called Best Friends and here it is:

Best friends

I have a few

Two live across the world

Five live a couple blocks away

From me


I wrote best friends talking about how I have a lot of best friends but they are not always right there. I did it to say that if I need someone I have a lot of people to go to but not everyone that I would like to. Best Friends is a cinquain poem and it took me some time to write. The form is cinquain type 3 which means it is:






I wrote 4 cinquains but this one is my favorite. I really like this poem because it expresses that I have a lot of friends but when I miss one of my best friends who live across the world I can go see one of them that lives nearby.



My arabian nights story

I feel proud of my Arabian Night’s piece because it actully sounds like something I would read in the book.

I think that revision is changing the story not only grammar. It might be to make it more intresting it might be the piece has no story arch. It could be changing a whole paragraph or more. Revising is making a piece better. I think that revision could change your whole piece. And it has nothing to do with grammar! It just makes it more interesting.

The Cloisters

On friday we went to the cloisters. At the Cloisters there was a lot of exquisite medival art. I always found unicorns very cool. I didn’t know that unicorns were so important to medival times. I thought they were just a fantasy. Of pink fluffy unicorns dancing on rainbows. I didn’t know they could be so brutal. But I had fun and I saw a lot of intresting art and learned a lot.



Beowulf Annotations

The way we annotated was  we wrote a chapter summary in one sentence, circled vocabulary and underlined important parts. We did this so if we needed to go back and find something important we would know what happened in the chapter and then look for it if it was underlined. I am proud of how much vocabulary I learned from this book and how much more advanced my writing and speaking is now. I want to improve on finding the vocab because when I read my brain only thinks about the book not the words.

Personal Narritive

Broken Foot + Broken Arm = Disaster


One spring morning my brother was going downstairs to get on his shoes. He said, “Jemma, can I get by you?”

“Sure,” I said.  As I answered his question, I thought to myself, “ I can’t wait to get my cast off my broken foot!” I had no idea how much pain that little answer would cause me!


As my brother, Beckett, was transitioning on to the stairs I took both of my feet off the ground and had my arms giving me all my support. I gripped the handles of my crutches hard so I would not fall. My hands were getting sweaty.. I held on extra tight to my crutches handles as my brother passed me. But silly me. My arms would not hold my body and crutches. Beckett had slipped by me, but when he turned around to walk down the stairs facing forward he accidentally nudged me.


I fell off my crutches and rolled head first stair after stair after stair. To make matters worse my crutches rolled down after me and hit me on the head. When I stopped rolling I landed on the hard, sharp, dirty, wood floor. I had fallen on my arm and  I started to cry.


I really wanted to blame someone. A person who made this happen; the first person I thought of was Lila…


Lila lied to me when I broke my foot. Her scooter had a different brake than mine and I told her that. I asked her if her break was different than mine and she said no. We were riding to the park and we were on her block at the first cross walk. I tried to brake the scooter but it did not work so I had to use my foot to stop. I tripped over the scooter and broke my foot. I did not know it at the moment but I started to cry as I limped back to her house. I felt so much pain. I felt like a hammer just hit me in the foot.


After I fell down the stairs I get up from the hard floor searing in pain. I limp into my parents room and lie down on their bed to calm my pain. I wonder if I will ever break one of my brothers bones?