
In class we were assigned to pick out something you use every day and make it better. Me and Emily decided on a pen. Then we thought, what if we combined a pen and a pencil? So we decided to combine the two!

Picture a pencil, with a pencil tip and a pen tip on either end. Then we thought about how many people liked their eraseble pen’s. We decided that the space in between the two tips would be an eraser that could erase the pen and pencil! That is a penc!



What I Did Over The Summer

Over the summer I went to camp. My camp was called Tapawingo (it means place of joy in Native American).
168Tap was in Bridgeton, Maine. At camp my favorite period was water ski because when you were up on your skis you felt the wind in your hair and it felt great. The warm water was below you and you felt like you could do anything. Then when you were not on your skis you would talk to your friends and it was one of the periods where you were not with your whole bunk so you could change it up! And that was only one of my great experiences at camp and through out my whole summer. So I had a pretty awesome summer!