The 20 Meter Track Problem

I think in A, the graph on the top does not belong to A, B or C. Because it does not stop, go slow or start at the half way point.  In I think the correct ones were the ones on the bottom. I think that because they stop but not for a long amount of time and then the rest of the graph is slower. I don’t think a lot of the problems where they are positoned is correct. I think the other to in are correct because the people just walked for different amount of times.  Because the problem never said how long the people on the 20 meter track walked forCLW5-graphs

One thought on “The 20 Meter Track Problem

  1. Ana Fox Chaney October 15, 2014 / 6:20 pm

    You’re right that the one at the top of story A doesn’t fit there. But it does look like it slows down a little – check again! I wonder about the second graph in story B. Where do you think that one goes?

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