Family Reunion

chicago-dreary-bean-1 imgres-7 imgres-6                                                                                                   At one point this summer we went to Chicago for a family reunion. We saw all the famous landmarks, stayed at a beautiful resort and went to a cubs game. Most of the family I had never even met. I made a lot of new friends. meeting the rest of my family opened my eyes and tought me that there are billions of people out there and you are one them along with everyone else.


Cedar Point

imgres-2 imgres-4 imgres-5                                                                                    Cedar Point is the roller coaster capital of the world and its in Ohio. My family took a road trip and stopped there for a day. I ended up going on all of them with my dad. They all made me scream so loud that at the end of the day I coulden’t talk. But it was really worth it because I had one of the best days of my life. Cedar Point taught me don’t be scared to have a little fun.