A Sister!?!

I screamed! My mom just told me the worst news that I thought I would have a little sister! I ran to my room and shut the door. I could hear my mom talking to my dad and saying, “I think he’s going to be excited to have a little sister. He just hasn’t realized how good it’s going to be yet.”

I could hear my dad’s footsteps coming toward my room and I knew he was going to try to cheer me up. Little did I know that nothing would go well until my dad asked me the one thing that would definitely cheer me up, and that was… “Hey Harvey, you wanna play some baseball?” If you know me you should know that if someone asks me to play baseball I will always say yes.


So we were playing baseball and I was thinking about going to a Mets game with my little sister in the future. My imagination went something like this: We were at Citi Field and we were sitting by the dugout and one of the Mets players was looking at me. He tried to throw me the ball and it was a little bit to the side of me and my dad caught it and gave it to my little sister who at the time didn’t even care about baseball. I was thinking that I would be so upset that he wouldn’t give the ball to me and I told my dad that he would pay for the stupid mistake. I was five years old at the time and very selfish. I didn’t want my sister to take the “thunder” away from me. In other words I wanted to be the center of attention and I didn’t want to share my parents. I was dreading that moment if it happened to me and I was hoping that that would never happen to me. I didn’t want to bring the idea up to my dad but I didn’t really know the exact reason.

Social Studies

1. Describe the activity we did in Social Studies on Friday. (It’s the activity pictured.) Use the word “chronological”.

On Friday we were assigned a number of events in the history of the world. We had to organize them in chronological order.  From the big bang until humans were living everywhere in the world for the first time in the history of the world

2. Describe any confusions your group had while first putting the events in chronological order.it

It was confusing when we got to a part that the group din’t agree on because we would have to waste a lot of time convincing my group mates what the right idea was.

3. Describe what you learned by putting these events in order.

I learned that I didn’t know everything that I thought I knew. For instance, I thought that humans could speak before they could control fire but I learned that I was wrong.

Here’s the picture:
