Who The Heck Are You? (While In Progress)

Right now in Humanities we are working on a project called Who the Heck Are You? It is a project that is based off of an interview. When we were selecting our interviewees, I picked 5 people that I wanted to interview. I decided on Doug because I don’t know that much about him and I wanted to learn more about him. We then came up with possible questions to ask our person. Our questions had to have follow-up questions to the real ones. We couldn’t have concrete questions as the original questions because then we wouldn’t get good enough answers. We could have them as follow ups though. We could do that so then we could move on to the next question. The whole interview had to have a theme like childhood or fantasy world. I think that this will be a really fun project and that I will be able to learn a lot of cool things from Who The Heck Are You?

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