MLK Weekend

This weekend I went to Utah to Ski. Piper and I went to snow Bird and stayed there all three days. It was really hard to find time to do homework so we ended up doing it on the plane. The trip was so much fun and I hope it becomes a new tradition since we went last year.


Winter Break

Over winter break I had a staycation. For the first week, I stayed in New York for Christmas because it was easier for most of my family. I had dinner with all my relatives and a few friends families too. A few days after Christmas, my family drove out to the Hamptons. My cousins stayed with my family too. It was even colder there than in New York. I spent New Year’s day with my friends and my family. Then I came back to school.


Winter Concert

Last night was the Winter Concert. I am in Vocal Majors and we sang five songs. It wasn’t very good, but we worked really hard on it so it felt good when it was over. I liked listening to the rest of the people sing and play. It made me want to do more in high school.


Learning Values

To me, learning is meaningful when it powers opportunities to

  1. use my creativity
  2. build relationships with my peers
  3. develop skills that will help me make a positive change in the world

Style Composition

I chose to do jazz music because I feel like not that many people listen to it and I don’t know why. I thought that if I made a jazz piece, I would listen to jazz more and other people might too.

Jazz music is played on a 1234 scale which means, every beat is the same. Jazz music uses wind instruments and string instruments.

This is my favorite composition by far. Every one is doing different styles so all of out pieces are completely different. jazz is actually easy or me to compose. I have been inspired by Duke Ellington, take the A train.