Screenshot 2015-10-27 at 10.33.12 AM

Old messy page

Screenshot 2015-10-27 at 10.32.55 AM

New improved page

My notebook for the most part is neat  but sometimes when you only have one problem you tend to get a little more rushed. Also sometimes when you have to solve a lot of problems you try to fit all of the problems on one page and your math can get kinda squished.

Its important to  keep your work neat so that people can read it and you can read it when you need to look back at it.


Ashokan trip

Screenshot 2015-10-26 at 10.26.51 AMThe ropes course was my favorite part of the trip, it was also the most interesting thing. We started on a rope ladder that twisted with your every move, then we walked across a thin wire healed up by a harness. We crawled across two ropes and on to a wooden balance beam.The we went across little swing then on a zipline.

On Ashokan we learned how the the Gourge was created.

This trip was different that last year because we got to go black smithing and go on the ropes course and go canoeing. The meals were a little bit better that last year. The whole trip was a little bit more fun than last year with all the new kids and different groups.


Beowulf project

For the Beowulf project Julia put us into small groups of one and two. EaScreenshot 2015-10-13 at 1.38.12 PMch group was given a person or a place to draw. The drawing had to be detailed because we got all the description from the book.. We were being graded on how well we worked as a group and how well we payed attention the the book and it’s details.

I was really proud of my work because my group put a lot of time and effort into it. We tried to make really clean and good drawings. but here and there we would mess up on matching characteristics with drawings. I thought that that was the most challenging part.