
I went to Hawaii!

In Hawaii I learned how to surf, play the ukulele and snorkel. We stayed in Screen Shot 2015-08-28 at 9.42.58 AMa little house right out side the beach where we could go surfing and swimming every day. Our house was right next to puff the magic dragon  I went on a six mile hike to a beach and then to a freezing cold water fall where we swam. I went to Lumahi beach and jumped faff a eight foot cliff into the worm ocean. I didn’t want to go to Hawaii but know i can see why we went. I would be happy to go there again.



Animal Farm Summer Reading

Another book I read this summer was a book called Animal farm by George Orwell. This was a sad but exciting book that had you on the edge of your seat, and crying with your head in a pillow. The book takes place on Manor farm, and is run by a cruel man named Jones. The animals on the Manor farm agreed that the quality of their lives on the farm had to change after the eldest pigimages dies. The animals agree to rebel! They drive all the humans off Manor farm. even Jones. The news spreads throughout England that Manor farm has become Animal farm. The animals of the farm set new rules preventing animals to take on the same characteristics as humans. But, as the book continues the animals slowly start to resemble humans and at the end of the book the animals and humans are staring face to face looking the same.





Summer Reading

To start off the summer I read the first book in the Uglies series by Scott Westerfeld.

This was a thrilling book about a girl named Tally.

She lives in a futuristic city where you get a special surgery when youScreen Shot 2015-08-04 at 9.30.38 PM turn sixteen. The surgery is called “turning pretty.” In this city, if you are younger than twelve you are considered a little. From then on, until you are sixteen you are an ugly. When you reach sixteen you get the thrill of getting the pretty surgery, which includes replacing your skin and getting a new brain, earning a beautiful body, and smooth curves. Tally then realizes that this is not all what it’s cut out to be. On the day of her surgery when she is forced to tell the council everything she knows about a place called “The Smoke,” the council says she has to go to this place in order to get the surgery. When she gets there, she realizes that this society is made up of people who are against the surgery and show Tally what life as an ugly can be like. She meets her true love there, a boy named David. She tries to rescue everyone in this town, but the council gets there first. In the end, the result of these rebels was mostly positive.


My Hero Essay

In class we wrote an essay describing heroes…

My Hero Essay


A hero is a person who is hopeful when given another chance, determined to make a change, and selfless when helping others.  Some people are only concerned about themselves while others are changing the world and helping others. The type of determination that my hero has also makes her a role model. They show up in stories from long ago, like Ulysses, or every 4 years in the summer Olympics, like Gabby Douglas. Ulysses was a hero in battles and in his kingdom. There is another type of hero, a hero like Gabby. She may not have been a King or a Queen but she had the soul of a warrior. Both Ulysses and Gaby had to use their physical strengths to become heroes. One in the 2012 summer Olympics, the other on a battlefield long ago in Troy, yet they both are remembered as heroes.


Ulysses serves as a perfect example of a hero. He has all the qualities a hero should have- hopefulness, determination and selflessness. He had hope for his men when trying to get them out of the Cyclops cave. “Wait, you won’t enjoy him that way, you need wine,” And with that he saved the life of all of his men. Ulysses was full of hope when he stopped Polyphemus from eating his men and he continued to have hope through the rest of his journey. It is these examples told in The Great Adventures Of Ulysses are proof of why Ulysses is a great hero.


In the 2012 summer Olympics Gabby showed the world she was a true hero. Even though she wasn’t supposed to make the team, she surprised everyone by winning the All Around gold medal. It was that hopefulness she carried that helped her make the team.  All athletes use determination but Gaby used hers to help her win gold. She showed her selflessness when she was young, her family didn’t have enough money to pay the rent, so Gaby was willing to give up the only sport to help her family and her mom. Its not easy to become a hero but Gaby proved that it takes determination, hopefulness and selflessness to become a true hero.


My other hero is Malala, she like Ulysses and Gabby are. all.. hopeful when given another chance, determined to make a change, and selfless when helping others. Malala is my hero because she fights for whats right. She got shot in the head and instead of running and hiding to made sure that it wouldn’t happen to others even though she was risking her life. Malala was Hopeful, determined and selfless so she could protect other women from going through what she suffered. Doing this makes her a hero because anyone can be  hopeful, determined, and selfless but it is the circumstance in what you do those actions that make you a hero. All my three heroes prove why they should be remembered as a hero.


People really should think more about heroes because if there weren’t heroes then we wouldn’t have anyone to look up to. Imagine not having anyone to admire. Our world would be the same. No changes, nothing to say WOW at. Everyone has a hero and that hero has different qualities as another hero because everyone has a different idea of a hero. I am inspired by people who are different, because any one can be kind and that makes a hero but if you make a difference than you are a true hero. Any one can be a hero depending on the qualities you think a hero should have.



Discovery Day!

For discovery day the sports group went to Power Play.Screenshot 2015-05-29 at 2.48.03 PM

Power Play is a place where you can do Rock climbing, trampolining and challenging Obstacle courses.


The Obstacle course was a lot harder than it looked…


Screenshot 2015-05-29 at 2.47.04 PM


My tessellation


Screen Shot 2015-04-15 at 12.25.01 PM                                                                                                                                   This is my tessellation. I made it in a app called Geometer Sketch Pad.