cr #5

What I have gained during this senior project is something that I am rather proud of. That is the desire to read uninterrupted for hours, and not get distracted and look at my phone. To some of the people reading this (mainly the adults) this might seem impressive or like a skill at all, however the ability to do such has put me in what I feel is a much better frame of mind. During this school year I have tried to quit adderal, and for the first time since I quit I have shown myself adderal level focus with no medication. I will admit this is due to my fascination with the topic. However, I know I have gained a mindset that will be very important in my future success both at school and at home. It seems the thing I needed to break my phone addiction was trippy Chinese science fiction. I don’t really know how this answers my essential question but one thing I have noticed that does answer it makes the subtleties uniquely Chinese. In American sci-fi when the world is gripped with a world ending issue, whenever we are trying to destroy the threat or band together as a globe there are only really Americans helping the fight or a select few group from other nationalities. This book doesn’t do that and shows how in a real disaster a majority of the people affected and helping would be Chinese due to their immense population. Moreover, when it gets to 200 years in the future this book makes China and US the joint nation comprising of the majority of the world. This book points a spotlight on the lack of Chinese representation in American fiction.

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