Peter Mamaev senior project update 5/11


Alright, here we are. The big old endgame. And by endgame, I mean it’s time for me to shake off the creeping dread of the individual meeting with James awaiting me tomorrow, shrug off my mortal coil, and get down to experimenting with the dreaded ink wash. I am actually somewhat happy, given that its a material I see as having a LOT of constructive potential, and one that can improve my so far spotty comic into a whole new dimension. I have perhaps made a semi-cardinal mistake in that I have banked quite a bit on the ink wash, especially on the later pages which are set at night, so these next few days might require me to concentrate my utmost. They could be, in essence, a lovely test of how far I’ve managed to come (or regress) over this accursed spring.

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