Oscar Chun Focused Writing CR#5

Within my process of thinking, I realized that writing is a large part of my self-doubt. Whenever I wrote a story or something, I would always look at how I wrote it and scrap the entire thing. My problem was that I wasn’t focusing on what I was writing I was focusing on how good does it look. I realized that I never got past a piece of my earlier writings because I was not letting myself experiment with my work. Instead of writing something than editing it along the way, I should try and find something that I feel comfortable with and maybe even try something new with how I write. My thinking about writing restricted me from the amount of freedom I had. I wasn’t focusing on what the first draft should be, messy ideas stringed together. I should be editing at the end, not during it because every time I edit something while I’m writing it, I delete everything out of anxiety. Now I’m letting myself come up with ideas and work on them later. Once I have everything in place, editing will be a lot more effective. 

For me, writing is entertaining, but I always stop myself from having fun by editing every single second I’m writing it. My new process allows me to enjoy writing my story and not have to think about the technical issues for now. Letting myself have fun with the writing lets me move past points that I would usually stop.

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